
I bought a used .44-40 Uberti Regulator about 2 years ago on looks alone - an absolutely beautiful, well finished piece. I've not shot it much - I've shot exactly 100 rounds through it (44-40 factory ammo is expensive, & this isn't a gun that I'd shoot often enough that I want to buy dies, brass, etc.) So, I haven't exactly torture-tested the gun, but I defy anybody to show me a nicer LOOKING six-gun.

I have a Uberti made American Arms Regulator. It came with a .44 SPL and .44 WCF cylinder. The .44 WCF cylinder has never been fired. Like Sample said, ammo is too expensive, and I don't want to reload it.

I use the .44 SPL cylinder a lot. In fact, it is my most used belt gun, I often carry it as my primary CCW piece.

Using my favorite .44 SPL load, 7.5 gr. Unique with a 240/250 gr. cast SWC and ignited with a CCI Large pistol primer, I can get groups about an inch and a half at twenty-five yards when I do my part. Sights do not look quite where the gun points (groups are about three inches right and about 1.5" low at twenty-five yards) but I've not gone to the trouble of barrel turning and sight filing yet.

Though not bad, the action really could stand the attention of a good gunsmith. Tom Sargis of Bozeman Trail Arms does a great job tuning Italian SA revolvers, he will also adjust the barrel for windage and elevation.

I like my Uberti and will probably buy another to give a matching pair, if I ever find time to shoot SASS matches.

Doc Hudson

I've put well over 30,000 rounds through Uberti sixguns in calibers 357, 38/40, 44spl, 44/40,45acp, and 45colt. All have shot to my satisfaction and I can be real snooty about my sixguns. I've had to replace 2 or 3 trigger/bolt springs, all of their OLD design, and one hand in the 4 3/4" presentation grade 357. That was a bitch of a fitting job as the new hand was .010" oversize on all dimensions and was harder than the hammers of hades. Had to stone it down on all surfaces for fitting and when I got it all fit and put back together I tossed it all back in the safe never to be seen again [ after putting 7000 rounds through it in a year or so ].
The 45colt is nearing 6000 rounds and hasn't given me a moments grief. It is one of the American finished Uberti/Cimarrons and is my favorite everyday 45colt shootin' gun.
The Uberti 38/40 will shoot 1.25" groups all day long at 25 yards with 175gr SWC bullets flying at 950fps.
The Uberti 7 1/2" 44/40 shoots great with 200gr LFN bullets at 925fps.
The only thing wrong with Uberti sixguns is I don't own enough of 'em.
The CIMARRON Uberti's are the pick of the litter, IMHO.
HEY Terry!!!!!

Have you still got that little .32 S&W Long Kit Gun you wrote up for Petersen's Handguns about eight years ago?

A fellow here was asking questions about .32 cal revolvers for fun guns.

Doc Hudson
I've got several Uberti revolvers (percussion) and they have all been really good. The last two I bought, however, had some minor problems that would seem to be indications that Uberti is experiencing some quality control problems at their factory. The one, and 1849 pocket model that I bought from Dixie I simply sent back to Dixie and it was replaced with no further questions. A couple weeks ago I bought an 1862 Pocket Navy at our local Cabela's store in the discount area. This gun has a slightly loose lockup between the barrel and frame. I was disappointed to find out that Uberti America does not accept returned firearms unless they were originally purchased from them. Normally these guns are returned to the distributor, since the gun was bought with no possibility of return from Cabela's I guess I will have to fix the problem myself. This isn't a big deal really, since I have experience working on the percussion revolvers, but I would still have preferred that the company fix the problem since I'm sure the gun left the factory in this condition. Just my two cents and something to consider when you buy a Uberti product, make sure the distributor you purchase it from has a good return policy. By the way, I saw in Uberti's latest catelog that they have come out with a really nice looking single action .454 Casul which comes as close to looking like a Freedom Arms as any I have seen.
I have an Uberti Bisley 45LC. Like a couple of other responses, I haven't shot my very much but it seems ok. The fit and finish are quite good. Honestly, I don't much like the feel of the Bisley grip and long barrel, but that's a personal taste issue, not a knock against the gun's overall quality. It shoots a bit low and to the left, but its accuracy certainly is good enough for my needs and abilities.
I own a Uberti .44 Mag with a brass grip frame and backstrap and it is a finely made attractive handgun. When I find another in .45 Colt with the same specs, I will buy it...7th
Amongst black powder shooters(replica cap&ball revolvers) Uberti has always had the best reputation. My 1860 Colt replica is very nicely done.
I have not fired my Uberti .45 thousands of rounds, but maybe 1000+. Nice gun and no problems. Of course, I worked it over before even shooting it, so it is not exactly factory and not prone to some of the problems mentioned.
