Uberti Walker Troubleshooting


I bit the bullet and used some of my overtime money to pick up one of the Uberti Walkers while they were on sale from Midway recently, mostly because I'd love to be Gus McRae one day, if I ever grow up. Haven't had a chance to shoot it yet, as it arrived before work two days ago.

When I pulled it out of the box to do a function check, I came to realize that if I cock it normally, the hammer falls back to half cock and doesn't engage fully. If I hold it back a bit further, or yank it roughly back to the rear, it will however fully engage and stay cocked.

In the brief opportunities I've had to tear it apart (had the misfortune to have it arrive at the beginning of my work week), I realized that this problem only occurs with the cylinder in place and cycles perfectly without it. Is this a common problem with a solution that a simple street cop can effect on his days off in his garage, or will it require professional assessment?

Any help or insight in tbis would be greatly appreciated, as I want to get it functioning in time for deer season and to tell the next rookie assigned to me that the Walker is my backup piece.
Common problem. 'Sounds like the hand is just a wee bit too long. The bolt is locking the cylinder into battery and the hammer is still trying to rotate it a little more to get into cocked position. How comfortable are you with a complete disassembly and shortening the hand just a little?