Uberti Remington new model army front sight


New member
I have a Uberti NMA that shoots very high with round ball at 50 yards. It is almost 2ft high at that distance with a 30gr 3f charge and .451 ball. A gunsmith I have spoken with said to remove the front post and machine in a dove tail slot for the replacement sight. I really do not care for that look on the revolver and would like to just replace the post with a taller one or build up this post. Does anyone know if the post is silver brazed in place, or pressed in.
Not sure in that case. My NMA (pietta) shoots high as well. I just align the front sight with the bottom of the rear v notch to bring the poi down . Personally, I would take your gunsmith's advise regarding a dovetail front sight so windage could be adjusted as well. That's just me. We all favor different things.
When I hold on the bottom of the V it drops the impact about 5 or 6 inches at the 50yd. My Pietta shoots to point of aim at that distance, however the post is taller on the Pietta than the Uberti plus it has had a lot of work done on it.
Original NMAs were made to shoot point of aim at 100 yards. When I shot competition at the NMLRA range, in the " As Issue class, " the only thing you could do to the revolver other than internal work was to make the front sight higher. As I remember they were all pressed in. On my Lyman I made a higher front sight and pressed it in. Good luck.
I have not shot it at 100 yds but I think I will. Be fun to see how it shoots that far. I think the best thing now is to try to make the front sight a little taller, should not be that much
I soldered a piece or brass rod to the top of the sight. Holding it in line then cutting off and fairing it in after the soldering. A little black Magic marker blends in the solder and the top is polished brass.
Dave I think that is exactly what I will do. I have some low temp silver solder that should work very well. I was going to use a short piece of an old drill bit, but brass may be the way to go.