Uberti or Pietta how do i know what i have


I have two 44cla. Black Powder pistols one is a 1858 Remington any way to tell who thay are made by Uberti or Pietta
There are others besides pietta and uberti. Is there any text on the barrel flats? Usually will say Uberti under the loading lever. Flli.Pietta will be on the right side barrel flat. If it's an older gun, that could be different. Another way to tell is that a Uberti cylinder is a few thousandths of an inch shorter than a Pietta. Believe Pietta is 2.016" and Uberti is 2.002 or some such. Check with a caliper. Note though that I can get a Uberti cylinder in a Pietta (but more barrel cylinder gap), but can't get a Pietta cylinder in a Uberti.
Newer built Uberti 1858s have the text "cal .44 black powder only - A.Uberti Italy" underneath the loading lever, and there's an Uberti logo beside the serial number stamped on the metal below the handle.

Also mechanically speaking, the internals are blued, the muzzle is crowned and front sight is dovetailed, also hammer is checkered in two directions rather than one.

With older guns, don't know. I know Piettas have generally stuff stamped on the side of the barrel.
There should be a name or a logo somewhere. Depending on how old they are they could be from a variety of makers, some good, some not so good. Post clear pics of all the markings and we'll help you figure it out.
Uberti or Pietta

Only marking on the Remington 44cal on the barrel made in Italy the cylinder has a 505 on it and small marking of PH and a small RG on the side

the other pistol i think is a 44 cal FIE Italy with a small PR and 32 on the bottom of the barrel
The FIE is probably Pierino Ruschetta but I doubt anybody really knows for sure. If it works shoot it, if it doesn't good luck on finding parts. If they're brass frames and I'm guessing the FIE is don't go over 20 grains of powder. Personally I won't go over 18 in a brass frame.
Lower grain firing

If i lower my powder in the cylinder is it ok to set the ball down on powder that far in or do i need a filer to bring the ball to the end
If i lower my powder in the cylinder is it ok to set the ball down on powder that far in or do i need a filer to bring the ball to the end

You will find various opinions on fillers. Most competition shooters use them.

The idea is that by starting the bullet as close to the rifling as possible, it has less chance to build up speed before engaging the rifling, and thus takes up the rifling better with less stripping.

I conducted a series of informal tests where I did a series of load workups from minimal to maximum charges both with and without cream of wheat filler. In no case did any unfilled charge produce a better group than the best filled charge.

So, in my opinion, there is an accuracy bonus to be had by seating the bullets flush with the cylinder mouth. In order to avoid an air gap between the powder and the ball, this requires some kind of filler.

Best way to try Cream of Wheat

CW straight from the box, should i try powder CW wad ball,or powder wad CW ball never tried this Wanting to shoot older Brass frame 44 cal.
Pour 20 to 22 grains powder into cylinder, then put about 6 to 7 grains of cream of wheat filler on top, then a Wonder Wad if you choose to use one (for lubrication), then ball on top. Ball should be just below chamber mouth. You can also put lube like Bore butter or (ugh!) Crisco on top of the ball if you want too, but not necessary.
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I wouldn't go over 20 grains. Personally I won't go over 18. You can skip the filler as long as the powder is compressed. You won't notice any difference in accuracy. Maybe a smidge if you bench it.
Black Powder Substitute

All my pistols say true black powder only is there any good substitute powder that i can use safely in them
Most of the subs will work and most are a straight across volume per volume swap. T7 is the only one that I know of that needs to be reduced as it's a little hotter. Reduction on it is 15%. Blackhorn 209 will not work as it needs a 209 primer to set it off. Do not measure subs by weight.