Uberti Hombre Hammerblock?


New member
I know the origonal Colt didn't have a safety and I would like to make th mod to make an Hombre more origonal-like. I understand that there is a way to defeat or remove the hammerblock safety on the Hombre. How do you do it?
Do you need to change Hammers?
I wouldn't do anything. Just because older guns had no block doesn't mean a gun will be better without it. (Old cars had mechanical brakes, too, but I don't plan to replace my hydraulic brakes with brake rods.) More important, if you do drop a loaded gun and it goes off, your removal of a safety feature will prove to almost anyone (read "any jury") that you are careless, negligent and have no regard for safety.

James K is right!

It is there for a reason!
One of the reasons that stuff cost so much, is because people modify them. The manufactures still have part liability in what you do to you firearm.

If you buy a Ford. and then re-modify the breaks, any one that helped you are also libel when they fail.

Some manufactures will stop selling me parts if they find out that I released a dangerous modified firearm, and my insurance carrier would drop me as well.
I'm not out to change the mechanical brakes on my car but I would like to retrofit the proper hammer to the action. I understand that you canhave a problem with the new model of this safety. I have herd it intermittently applies without you touching it. This is the reason for my question.
had I not had reservations about the mechanisim I would not have brought the topic up. I have done searches to try and find the supporting post but haven't found it yet.
Well I guess I'll have to experiment with a stock hammer since there seems to be noone who also has read of the problems with this system. Maybe the guy just haqd a lemon huh? That'll all pan out in use of the gun..
Thanks anyways