Uberti frame for ASM?


New member
Just a quick question for anyone who may know....

I have a brass frame ASM 1860 that Im wanting to swap out for a steel frame. I know that some of the Uberti parts can be made to somewhat with an ASM, and that they are far closer to one another (and the originals) then Pietta, but what about the frame itself??? A steel Uberti frame is gonna run me at least $100, so I figured I had better make really sure first! :eek:
Since the frame contains the serial number, I don't think you will just be able to buy a frame from Uberti. And if you are trading for parts, chances are that it will be hard to just find a frame. It's not that easy to find complete ASM pistols or parts.

You might be better able to trade the complete pistol with someone who collects ASM pistols. If you find someone that wanted to trade for your ASM, then you could get a more modern version of an 1860 Colt from a company that still makes parts.

I'm sorry, I don't have the answer to your question about Uberti interchangeability with ASM. I would be surprised if they would interchange without a lot of work, but others will know for sure.

Good Luck
Thanks for the answer Foolz. Like you, I am hesitant to say the frame would work... I know some parts kind of do, but an entire frame is a pretty tall order.

If it does happen to work however, there is a guy on gunbroker that seems to deal a LOT with just frames. Mostly Pietta, but he has an Uberti for the '60 right now for $100, which I really cant afford, or shouldnt at any rate, but I figured I best check into it while I can... Striking while the iron is hot and all that.
Since ASM supplied Uberti with some of the barrels for the 2nd gen Colt's I would assume those would fit without any work but I have no idea about any of the rest of it.
Hmm.. Interesting. I didnt know that Hawg!

Does make me a bit more hopeful. Seems to me, unless they where just blanks and Uberti cut their own pin and arbor holes then THOSE frames would work on ASM's as well. But now Im also remembering something about Uberti changing over to forged frames many years later... Makes me wonder if they also changed patterns?
Uberti went to forged frames in 07. AFAIK the ASM barrels were completed. I know they came with Colt's barrel address already on them but I believe ASM used a different font than Uberti on the 2nd gen barrels.
Wow... Curiouser and curiouser!

So the "official" 2nd gen Colt is really just an uberti BUT made with ASM parts...

So I dont know... Do you guys think its worth the money to try it?? $100 is HUGE money to me so its an awful big risk.. But then the chances of finding JUST an asm frame are shrinking by the day..
The 2nd gen was made from parts supplied by Uberti. Uberti sub contracted ASM to supply some of the barrels. Colt did the final fitting and assembly in house. They are considered to be real Colt's unlike the 3rd gens. When Colt ceased production ASM got stuck with some of the Colt marked barrels and put them on their own guns and Colt sued them over it and won. That's why you see some ASM's with a Colt barrel address.
I think I understand correctly

that Colt has always been guarded of their patents. Spend a lot of money defending them.

Patents are funny things. They are only good if you have to money to defend against infringement. I was looking into a patent last year. About 700.00 and it is easy enough to do ones self. But in the end it would have been a pride thing. 700.00 to get the patent but up to 100k to defend it. And when one goes to court, the documentation that is part of public domain is often better than the patent itself in terms of determining ownership of the idea. As an example if one has a patent date 2013, but someone else can show that they had the idea before then, the case for infringement is weakened. Lets say the real idea maker discussed the patented device on the internet in 2011 and that date could be verified, the holder of the patent might find himself in defense mode.
Eh... Still sounds like a crappy thing for Colt to do if they stuck ASM with the barrels in the first place. Perhaps Colt did this (Stuck ASM with the barrels they had no intention of paying for) in ORDER to drag ASM into court, and ultimately out of business?? Just a thought that my always wandering mind hit upon reading through all this.. Probably wrong, but still I could see it.

I know that MY 1860 (no address) has a crappy frame because some previous owner didnt understand brass frames, but it has a REALLY nice barrel, grip and loading lever... Hence the reason Id like to try and save it... And possibly a reason that Colt may have begun to fear competition?

Hehe... All this is interesting to think about... And no offense, of course.. but Im still only SLIGHTLY closer to guessing... Yes? That the Uberti might fit???

LOL... Just to complicate things even further.... Because WHAT fun would it BE if we didnt :D ??? The Uberti frame I was looking at is date coded 2015, so it would be much newer then an Uberti frame from the time that they and ASM where making "Colt" parts. Not sure if that matters at all, but I thought I should bring it up.

Thanks for your answers so far guys!
Colt wasn't buying the parts from ASM, Uberti was. Seems like there might have been a breach of contract there somewhere but Colt had no fear of competition. They didn't intend to stay in the C&B business or they would have tooled up to make them themselves. I mean who better to make a Colt clone than Colt themselves? I think they were just testing the water to see if it was worthwhile and it wasn't.
Hawg Plus One

ASM took a gamble in marking the barrels as they did and just got stuck with it. Tried to make the best of things which was another gamble.

Personally, I like ASM pistols. Compared with their contemporaries they were above average. I have an awful lot of ASM pistols and they serve me well.
Sorry guys... Sometimes it takes me a few days to get back.

Yeah Hawg I guess that does make sense about them not intending to stay in C&B... Though I question their conclusion if they thought it not worthwhile... After all the Italians seem to be doing pretty well for themselves, and with the constant and continuing illegal and unconstitutional actions against our freedom to keep and bear arms... Well.. The C&B could end up being very important (and lucrative?) again in the not too distant future. I have often wished that I had been blessed with the sort of business smarts (and capital LOL!) to open an all U.S.A. firearms and ammo factory.... I certainly would never shy away from producing such an American made C&B line. But then I have already established that I DONT have said business sense, and that could well be why I feel that way LOL!

Doc, yup... I love me some ASM! I just wish that people understood brass frames batter and stopped destroying them. And I really wish I had a way to replace them with steel ones... Which is, of course, why I was hoping that Uberti might work.

I guess, if no one knows for sure, Ill just hang her on the wall for now and one day when my finances allow for the gamble Ill try it and see. Shrugs... I guess, when that day comes, if I crap out on such a gamble, then the WORST that could happen is that I have the frame to start an Uberti build! ;)