Uberti Cattleman locked up


New member
Had my Uberti lock up on me today. Was in a "trigger flinch" exercise in which i put one round in the cylinder,then spun the cylinder so that I did not know which chamber held the round. Cock hammer, pull trigger, repeat until it went bang. Went fine for 4 cycles of this, then I had it lock up. Hammer was not fully cocked, trigger would not release hammer. Hammer could not be pulled back further to take tension off of trigger to allow for lowering of hammer. No slack in trigger to allow for lowering of hammer. Had to remove cylinder to extract the round, which would have rotated into firing position on next cocking cycle if hammer/trigger had not locked up. Removed round from cylinder, re-installed cylinder. No change. Trigger and hammer still locked in same position. Am suspecting trigger spring/sear relationship is amiss. What say ye? What am I looking for, what am I likely to find, and what is a reliable solution? Is this a common experience with Ubertis? I've had this one for over 20 years, and probly put fewer than 500 rounds through it.
The video I linked below shows how to take it apart. Something is not right inside. It should be obvious when you open it up. You can then find the part name and number by looking up a parts diagram. He also has a video to put it together again.:D

What he said^^^^. One that old has a rod running through the hammer to activate the hammer safety like in the pic on mine. Maybe it came loose and is binding it up.

Thanks for the suggestions. In disassembling I discovered that it had "Peacemaker-itis" - screws that had worked themselves a bit loose. Also discovered that I had a freshly broken firing pin. Was able to successfully re-assemble and cycle. Am wondering if the screws were just loose enough to cause the binding. So, now to find a new firing pin. Any suggestions besides Brownell's?
Aguila Blanca - thanks for the link. Got some shopping to do - maybe stock up on some suspect parts/pieces
Skwib, the "out of roundness" of the screwpins can in fact be a factor in function (to the point of NOT functioning!). Combined with the possibility of barely in spec. screwpin hole alignment. Always a good idea to check the screws when function problems arise (that is true for all S.A. revolvers that use screws instead of pins). Also, as already mentioned, use snap caps when practicing I don't like dry firing any cartridge revolvers, especially with mounted firing pins.

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