Uberti Cattleman .44

I am just about to purchase a Uberti Cattleman 5.5" barrel in .44 black powder. It is a used gun but seems in good condition. Is there anything I should be looking for. I would also be interested in peoples opinion of this gun for target use and general fun shooting. This is my first black powder pistol.

Interesting choice for 1st bp revolver...

I assume the gun you are buying is the cap and ball version; if so, you will need to purchase a cylinder loading stand as the gun does not have a loading lever. To load the cylinder it is necessary to remove it from the gun and use the loading stand. The only one I've found that works right is made by Powder, Inc. and costs $55. Expensive, but worth it because it works.

The BP version of the Cattleman is an interesting choice because of it's not "authentic". The gun was originally designed as a cartridge weapon; the Uberti c&B version was made for sale to people who did not want to have to deal with GCA issues. To keep it looking somewhat authentic it retains the cartridge ejection rod which is, of course, useless with the c&b cylinder. Hence the need to load the cylinder outside the gun with a stand that has a ramrod. However, if you have a cartridge cylinder then the rod is functional.

I enjoy shooting the gun; I have two extra cylinders, so I can load up to 18 rounds and just swap cylinders when one is empty. I have not taken the time yet to develop the optimum load; I'm using .451 round balls with 27 gr fffg 777 and a lubed felt wad and that works just fine so far. Also, I have not done any specific accuracy testing yet, but it seems to shoot high at 25 yards in the stock configuration.

It's a fine weapon. Enjoy.

PS here's a picture of mine:
Thanks for the info. I live in the UK so due to some very silly gun laws we are only permitted black powder pistols. I was going to get a Remington 1858 New Army but the Cattleman looks the part. I am however wondering which would make a better first black powder gun.
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The "better" first gun

In my opinion, the better first gun would be either an 1851 Colt Navy, an 1860 Colt Army or an 1858 Remington New Army. They are relatively inexpensive, easy to clean, repair, disassemble and reassemble and safe. They do not require the use of a cylinder loading stand, although some people, myself included, like to use a revolver loading stand just for convenience. They are authentic, look good and they are reliable and rugged.

The only disadvantages to the Cattleman in bp are the need for the cylinder loading stand and the fact that it is not an authentic reproduction. It meets all the other criteria I mentioned.

I would also seriously consider a Ruger Old Army if you can get one. It is not an authentic reproduction of any particular early weapon; in fact it is modern in almost every way except for the bp design. And it is relatively expensive. It is, however, the finest bp gun made by anyone at any price, in my opinion.
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+1 on the Ruger Old Army. Just curious what you guys in the UK have to do to own a cap and ball revolver? Can you buy it in a store like in the US or do you have to get a license.

I am sure this is not legal in the UK given that you can't have a good kitchen knife but on a 1858 or Old Army you can also get a conversion cylinder. Makes it very useful for the times you don't want to shoot BP. I use it indoors when I can't or don't want to go outside to shoot.
Well…….looks like I am going to switch my plans and go with the 1858 Remington New Army as my first BP gun. I do want to own a Cattleman and think that I would enjoy shooting it but I admit that that decision is driven by the look of the gun and not by experience. The serious shooters at my club agreed with all your advice and also recommend the Remington. A couple of people shoot the Ruger and swear by it but have said that as it is my first BP gun to go with something more reasonably priced.

UK gun laws are very restrictive compared with the USA. All conventional guns including shotguns, BP and some high power air guns require a license and membership to a licensed gun club. Generally if you can prove that you have a legitimate use for the gun they will issue the licence. The only really silly bit is the total restriction on all brass cartridge pistols. This was the result of politicians looking for a cheap vote after an awful incident at a school here. I honestly believe that all shooters here would have endorsed that decision if it had helped but gun crime is rising and incidents still happen. Good news if you are a criminal though as you can be fairly confident that you are the only person in the house with a gun!

I currently have and shoot regularly an Anchuts .22 target rifle, Ruger 1022 .22 and a Marlin 1894 CS .357 for which I load my own ammo.
Good decision

As much as I enjoy shooting the Cattleman, and as much as I like the looks of the gun, I think you will be very pleased with the Remmy. It's nicely balanced and aims and shoots well. And when you do get the Cattleman you will appreciate it even more as the novelty of black powder will be gone.
WOW I didnt know they made a cattlemens BP revolver ! But how would u load it? U would want a loading block and a few cylenders in reserve i assume. I still have alot to learn about the BP market.
BP Cattleman

To load the bp Cattleman you must remove the cylinder from the gun and use a cylinder loading stand (see the link I provided above). You do not need to install the caps until the cylinder is replaced in the gun as the Cattleman loading gate allows access to the nipples.
A change of mind

Well…….. This shows how things can change. I went to the Phoenix gun show this weekend and came away with a Rogers & Spencer .44 pistol. This was not the gun I intended to look for but I changed my mind based on the prior research that I had done and the fact that the gun felt so natural in my hand. All the reviews that I have read seemed to say that the gun was a good choice so I went with my gut instinct. The balance seemed much better than the Remington. I did however get to play with a Uberti Cattleman. I am now convinced that I will have to get one next.

Good choice.

Great choice. The Rogers and Spencer in original form had a very high reputation, and the Euroarms brand in general has a decent raport. I suspect you'll be very happy, and if you do a "Rogers Spencer" search here, you'll find several threads full of info, some fairly recent.

Also, not to hijack the thread or anything, but does anyone know if the Uberti Cattleman BP's are CAS legal in the BP classes? That would be good fun I think:D
Good decision. You will enjoy the R&S. I own two of the Euroarms variety, one is a finished gun and the other a kit that I have not yet put together.


I like 30 gr fffg 777 under a lubed wad and a .451 rb.