Uberti 1886 45-70


New member
Does anyone on here have any experience with the Uberti built copy of the 1886.
I do know that Cimarron firearms out of Texas sells them and I assume others do as well.
I am saving up my money to buy one and understand they are fine firearms
Are you looking for that specific gun, or an 86 Winchester repro (or original?)

or just a fine .45-70 lever gun for field use??

I have no personal experience with the Uberti, but I have handled original 86s and the Browning reproduction.

Fine guns, slick guns, and HEAVY guns.

I owned and used a modern Marlin 1895, one of the guns made shortly after they put in the crossbolt safety. For me, it was a better hunting gun than an 86 would be, being lighter and taking a scope easily. 400gr up to 1800 or so, if you felt the need for something that heavy. Don't crawl the stock if its scoped...:D:eek:

If you've got the itch for an 86, good repros are out there for enough $.

Sorry I can't give you a personal opinion on the Uberti. The design is sound, the only question would be how well they built it.
I had a Marlin 1895. With 400gr Bullets at 1500, it kicked like a PO'd mule. The replicas will have thinner stocks, increasing the recoil.
Look at the Uberti handguns made today. They have been making guns for a very long time.
Another fine 1886 rifle is the B.C. Miroku, they have to notch quality.
Miroku makes all the Browning O/U's!
uberti 1886 45-70

I already have a Henry all weather with the side loading gate 45-70, with 18.5 inch barrel that compares very well with the new Marlins. I grew up with lever guns so not real partial to the safety Ruger/Marlins have or that the Miroku built Winchesters have.
I just wanted that 1886, for the 9 rounds it holds and to see how it compares to he Henry.
I already reload for that caliber