U.S. Taxpayers Party?


New member
Was doing some research on Senator Bob Smith and was reading where he was talking with the U.S. Taxpayers Party about running on their ticket for Pres... Had never heard of this party before. Being the good tax paying citizen that I am, I deceided to look up their web page. To me, almost an Ideal platform.

Is it not a shame that we can't get the two parties. Libritarian & the U.S. Taxpayers to unite? Interesting idea. Hey Mr. Smith, how about it? Want to unite the two parties?

You can't be serious! What do they have in common besides being pro-gun? Smith certainly fits in much better with these bible-thumpers than he ever would with the Libertarians.
I nhave to agree with Ewok on this one the U.S. Taxpayers party seems more interested in forcing religion into peoples lives than anthing else.

"We should definitely get you out this month." - Bushmaster Customer Service 06/04/99

I still have not recieved my order!
I'm not interest in debating freedom of religion/freedom from religion. My point is simply that there's no chance of uniting U.S. Taxpayers and Libertarian parties.
Ewok, neither was I. I'm not a bible thumper. I was only trying to point out my two favorite things, taxes & the 2nd, both of which are supported by both parties. I used to think the republican party did. But between Bushes read my lips... well I'm looking.

Ewok what do you mean by the term "Bible thumpers"? This term sounds very similar to Big Comrade and Janet Reno's remarks denigrating Christians,especially prophecy Christians, as cultists and as "enemies of the state. By the way ,included in this group of potential enemies of the Centralized System are gun owners , taxresisters, Constitutionalists, Y2k hoarders, and even snuff users! But you know,the Bible thumpers are at the head of the list of "enemies of the state" Because they understand better than anyone else the true nature of the coming NWO Beast System!
We need a third or even a fourth party with good sounding names; not drivel like Taxpayers Party or Reform Party. Who wants to vote for a party that only wants to reform this corrupt,system or vote for a party that acknowledges this illegal (16th amendment was never ratified by congress) tax system. We must unite these good people in these various splintered parties into one big party called perhaps The American Independence Party or the American Populist Party which did exist but has almost disapeared. The Populist Party was preety strong in the early 1900's and did influence the other two parties to keep America a independent and free nation. But with the decline of populism, the other 2 parties from 1913 on had a free reign to begin the destruction of a once great Republic. Corporate or monopoly capitalism runs our country today and there is no Teddy Roosevelt(Not FDR folks) to be the watchman on the wall for our Republic. It would be nice to see Mr. Smith get with a party with a name that could rally the people against this evil corporate system. Oh well, we did last 200 years. It wasnt a bad run for a nation,but the last 86 years did us in slowly ,but surely. Prepare to meet your new emperor and his house of Lords(Senate)
Yeah, I never did quite understand why the Reform party got started (other than a certain egomaniac wanting his own party), when we already had the Libertarian party. I don't agree with everything they say, but they're a heck of a lot better than the two establishmentarian parties.
I'm w/ you on that Bill. A party that says, We Abide By The Constitution!not liberterian, not tax payer, not reform. one that went by the constitution would, i think, cover the rest. MO

what me worry?
Then how about the Constitutionalist-Populist Party. It will stand for the Constitution and the people(populism) ,The two scummy parties stand not for our Constitution and stand certainly NOT for the people,but for the COrporate State.
Not flaming anyone, but....

The Libertarian Party is all about following The Constitution. Its stance is that Government governs best, which governs least.

It doesnt get much more basic than that. I will have to admit that some of their positions are a bit extreme sounding, but when looked at in the light of Constitutional Liberty, they make sense. We have just had so many years of repressive laws from Big Nanny that many concepts in Liberty are somewhat foriegn to us now. :(

But, we could get used to real freedom, I bet! :)

The main two parties, The Evil Party and The Stupid Party, have both left me (and millions of others) far behind...especially The Stupid Party, of which I used to be a member. I still vote for some of their candidates, though ;)