U.N. making the world safe for you & me


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Saturday September 25 12:09 AM ET

U.N. Discusses Gun Control Measure

By PETER JAMES SPIELMANN Associated Press Writer

UNITED NATIONS (AP) - In a bid to curb civil wars, ethnic massacres and terrorism, the U.N. Security Council on Friday discussed an initiative by the U.N. chief to implement greater gun-control measures around the world.

At the end of the first ministerial debate on small arms, council members called for new measures to discourage arms from reaching conflict zones and also called for effective implementation of arms embargoes.

``Small arms and light weapons are primary tools of violence in many conflicts taking place in the world,'' Annan told the council.

``The proliferation of small arms, ammunition and explosives has also aggravated the violence associated with terrorism and organized crime.

``Even in societies not beset by civil war, the easy availability of small arms has in many cases contributed to violence and political instability,'' he said.

With at least 200 million firearms are owned by American citizens, U.S. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright announced the United States would refrain from sellings arms to war zones not already covered by arms embargoes.

``We encourage other nations to establish and observe such moratoria,'' she said. ``We have passed laws making it illegal for traffickers subject to American law to broker illicit deals anywhere. We ask others to crack down on brokering as well.''

British Foreign Minister Robin Cook told the Council: ``It is a tribute ... that nuclear weapons have never been used for half a century, and that chemical weapons have rarely been used.

``However, over the same period the assault rifle has become the weapon of mass killing. ... Over the last decade alone, conflicts fought with only small arms have killed over 3 million people, mostly civilians,'' Cook said.

``Five million dollars will buy approximately 20,000 assault rifles - enough to equip the army of a medium-sized state,'' he noted.

The ministers met to discuss a report by Annan which recommended among other things:

-Better enforcement of U.N. arms embargoes on nations and regions in conflict.

-Nations should require arms manufacturers to put serial numbers and identification marks on weapons so the diversion of legitimate sales into the black market can be monitored.

-Nations should share information on the registration of guns and on legal transactions, in order to trace black market deals.


On the one hand we have "civil wars, ethnic massacres and terrorism". On the other we have overthrowing tyranny, injustice and oppression.
Apples and oranges, dictators and patriots.
Don't worry, the New World Order will sort it all out for us. You can go back to sleep now.
As I read the outrageous controls which our governments are trying to implement, I reach the point where mere vulgarities fail me.

Having read the article on current German gun policies, and reflecting upon the typical German's emotional need for a controlling, paternalistic government, I begin to think I was born a generation too late - for we, in America, are on the same slippery slope.

I fear for our children.
I tend to recall that our Fed has the right to tax imports and exports, but I can't find anywhere in the constitution where they can dictate to the arms manufacturer where they can sell their goods. For national security reasons there are times when they may have the right under the war powers, but other than that, where do they come off trying to dictate? We not only have our own yahoo's here to fight on this issue... now seems we may have the whole world to fight.


The debate is not about guns,
but rather who has the ultimate power to rule,
the People or Government.
Greetings everyone this is my first post on this board. I hope you are all well. I thought i was, but it appears that there are those in this world who would see me oppressed and perhaps even in chains. Im glad to know the un wants to take care of us. NOT!!
As our freedoms gradually erode, i can only sit in horror as i see people apparently apathetic about the whole thing. How long can we depend on being free? Who will fight for the rights of the people who wont fight for themselves? Me i suppose but will it come to that? If it does when will we know to act? How will we know our actions are righteous? What should the first move be? I think we should continue to voice our opinions whenever possible, and watch them closely they are sneaky!!! For those of you who know me from HIS howdy , i know youre thinking uh oh heres that whacko again. But remember this im not as bad as Ruger ha ha

Luke Swenson

The UN is just one more example of our ancient and traditional form of non-representational elitist government.

1) UN reps are not elected...they are appointed.
2) The Sec. Gen'l is elected by the reps
3) To whom are these people accountable? To whom are their loyalties...their own countries or to the UN?
4) What are the qualifications to be a UN rep or Sec Gen'l or any other management position? How do we know these people are qualified for anything other than brown-nosing?
5)Do normal citizens of various countries have input or influence in the UN? If so, how? By a stupid letter or e-mail?

6) Bottomline...since the UN has no respect for national sovereignty, why should we believe they have respect for individual rights and sovereignty?

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
Who do these people think they are? The United Nations, actually a great concept but another miserable failure. During the cold war, it was nothing but a nest of spies. Now, with a membership that is 85% dictatorships, they are calling for a global ban on small arms? Sure, this way these dictitorial governments can kick the cr** out of their people even more. Disarm Americans? Of course, we are the threat to total control. People, vote in this next election help rid us of the Clinton/Gore curse.

Joe Portale
Sonoran Sidewinder
Tucson, Arizona territory
The various ambassadors to the UN, mistakenly believing that they possess superior intellects, actually let slip their true reasons for supporting gun control in this article. The very first sentence gives one of their reasons, "In a bid to curb civil wars..." It's interesting that the political creatures sent by their respective countries are interested in curbing civil wars, isn't it? Talk about insuring job security.

And how about this fascinating non sequitur, "With at least 200 million firearms are owned by American citizens, U.S. Secretary of State
Madeleine Albright announced the United States would refrain from sellings arms to war zones not already covered by arms embargoes." What does the first part have to do with the second? Or is it simply a statistic thrown out to scare the easily mislead, otherwise known as, "the media"?

"Five million dollars will buy approximately 20,000 assault rifles - enough to equip the army of a medium-sized state" Well then, our 200 million guns (more like 300 million) ought to be quite enough to put the smack down on a few thousand blue helmeted wehrmacht wannabes. Sounds to me like the UN fears the armed citizen, and would rather not have to face any.

"Nations should share information on the registration of guns and on legal transactions, in order to trace black market deals." Not to mention so they know who has what, and where they are. Makes confiscation that much easier and safer, don't you know.

The UN is a socialist blight on the planet, and the USA would do well to shoot it in the ear and toss it in the sceptic tank where its stench won't be quite so noticable.

"...the probability of the people in power being individuals who would dislike the possession and exercise of power is on a level with the probability that an extremely tender-hearted person would get the job of whipping-master in a slave plantation."
Prof. Frank H. Knight
it gets better here is the same article but from the BBC...


UN targets small arms

Unlike their victims, guns survive from one war to another

United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan has called on the
international community to stem the proliferation of small arms across
the world.

He told a special meeting of the Security Council that restricting the
flow of such weapons would be a key challenge in preventing conflict
in the next century.

Estimates of the number of firearms in the world
range from 100 million to 500 million.

Mr Annan said there was "no single tool of
conflict so widespread, so easily available, and
so difficult to restrict, as small arms".

''Not only are they the primary instrument of the
murder of civilians who are increasingly targetted in civil wars of our
area but, unlike their victims, small arms survive from conflict to
conflict,'' he added.

US action

US Secretary of State Madeleine Albright said America would "refrain
from selling arms to regions of conflict not already covered by arms

"We have passed laws making it illegal for [arms] traffickers subject to
American law to broker illicit deals anywhere. We ask others to crack
down on brokering as well."

British Foreign Secretary Robin Cook
said $5 million would buy
''approximately 20,000 assault rifles -
enough to equip the army of a
medium-sized state".

He said conflicts fought with small
weapons had killed more than three
million people in the past decade

"We need to regulate and make
more transparent the official trade in
firearms. And we must drive out the
business in the illicit traffic in

Gem trade

Mrs Albright also recommended
cracking down on the illicit trade in precious stones, which is used to
raise money to buy arms.

"The United States accounts for
65% of the world's gemstone
market, and we recognise that we
must play our part to end illicit
transactions," she said.

Mrs Albright cited the example of
Sierra Leone, where she said illicit
profits from diamond sales had
"allowed the RUF (the rebel
Revolutionary United Front) to
transform itself from a band of 400
into a marauding army of

Several members of the Security
Council spoke in favour of marking
and registering firearms, so that their
movement could be tracked.
Canada suggested ammunition
should also be branded.

But China opposed strict controls, saying that countries should be
allowed to manufacture and export small arms.

Annan's proposals

In his report Mr Annan recommended that member states should:

Better enforce UN arms embargoes on nations in conflict

Adopt gun control laws including a prohibition of unrestricted
trade and private ownership of small arms

Require arms manufacturers to put serial numbers and
identification marks on weapons

Ensure stockpiles of unmarked weapons are carefully guarded
to prevent theft, and destroyed as soon as possible

Share information on the registration of guns and on legal
transactions, in order to trace black market deals

Stop shipments of weapons to regions of conflict

A brochure produced at the meeting by the Netherlands said an AK-47
assault rifle could be bought in Uganda for the price of a chicken, in
Kenya for the price of a goat and in Mozambique and Angola for the
price of a sack of corn.

The problem that I have with the UN is that the majority of the votes in the assembley are from governments who can't manage their reasources well enought to feed their own people. So what makes these people think they can manage the reasources of the entire world better. Sounds like a pipe dream to take from those who have to increase the power of those in power from the countries that have not.