Tyranny Response Team FREEPS Clinton in Denver!!!

WAY COOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love the way the size of the protest continued to grow. Clinton really hates it when he has to see protestors. In Ft Worth we were placed in a small area at the opposite end of the stage and not allowed to move from there with a sign until he left. In San Antonio there were protestors on the overpasses with signs and he couldn't figure out how they knew his route. Easy, they were on EVERY overpass in the area.
A good report on a good demo, thanks Robby.

Sam I am, grn egs n packin

Nikita Khrushchev predicted confidently in a speech in Bucharest, Rumania on June 19, 1962 that: " The United States will eventually fly the Communist Red Flag...the American people will hoist it themselves."
That was good, did you get any news coverage..I would love to see this plastered all over the news...but I probably won't

Colorado TRT, and other vocal citizens... :D :D :D


"When freedom is at stake, your silence is not golden, it's yellow..." RKBA!

See The Legacy of Gun Control film at: www.cphv.com

Do it for the children...
I am impressed!

Kudos to the Denver PD!
To the Denver PD Lt:
Thank you very much!

You ever come to Utah... I'll buy ya Lunch!

You know - We should send him a TFL Shirt!
I wonder what the SIC was thinking when the picture was taken of the limo. It seemed as if the camera man/women was close enough for it to see them. There will prob. be a E.O. signed pretty soon that states that "Because I am the self proclaimed king of America, no TRT protest or any other protest will be legal when I, the great one, am in town". I can imagine what it was calling all the citizen protesters, it could have sounded like this:

It: Who are those peasants who dare mock me.

SS: Those are American citizens sir.

It: How dare they protest my greatness.

SS: What should I do sir?

It: When I declare martial law this month, get the helocopter video tape and go kill them all.

SS: But they have guns sir.

It: Not for long they don't.

Well, it coulda been said this way.


BTW: Great Job TRT team and Mr. Teesdale!
I wish I could tell you how much I am looking forward to getting out to Colorado so I can me more active like this.

Not that I've been sitting on my can, mind you. But there was a limit to how far I could take it while still on active duty. Now, as I sit here in my third day of freedom, I am SO ready to get out and tell this president what I think about him!

Way to go, Robert! (and Robby, and Al, and the rest of you!)

I'll be there in a week or so!
I absolutly love it.

Free speech zone? Gheez. Glad you held your ground across the street. Protecting the 1st and the 2nd Amendment!

Good show. (Side note: I hope you thanked Lt. Phelan for his professional approach to the situation--not that making you move was all that great a thing, but from your description he handled it better than <ahem> other law enforcement types there.)

"People who say guns are bad are lucky enough never to have been in a situation where someone has kicked down your door and threatened the life of your son and your sixty-five-year-old mother."
-- Memphis, Tennessee resident Gina Cushon, quoted in Laura Ingraham's book "The Hillary Trap"