Typical Shooting Session


New member
You people that shoot competively, when you go to the range to practice, what program do you follow? Do you have a set routine? Do you shoot several different guns at different range distances? Do you practice rapid draw and fire. How much ammo do you shoot up? How often do you practice? What does a typical practice session at the range consist of for you? Thanks
If I am just working on skills..it'll go like this. Using IPSC targets.

10 to 15 yards..
shoot 1 shot for 8 to 10 (depends on gun) total onto a 2 inch dot, goal is to have all shots touch.
shoot 2 shots for total of 8 to 10 into 2 inch dot.
shoot 2 shots into a 2 inch dot, two shots into second dot
shoot 2 shots reload, two shots into second dot.

Set three targets at 25 yards and shoot 2 shots each.
Set three targets at 50 yards and shoot 2 shots each.

Set three targets back to 7 to 10 yards. Shoot two shots each targets.

All this is using a timer. I will work on freesstyle (both hands) strong hand and weak hand shooting.

If I have time, work on shooting around barricades and ports.

Usually keep it to 250 to 400 rounds..after that it gets to be throwing bullets downrange. If I cannot keep my focus, I'll stop and come out another time.

If time is good..once a week, with a match every weekend or every other week.

Sometimes I like to shoot alone to work on specific things or take a buddy that shoots and compete on times, loser buys lunch or dinner.

Hope that helps..
all my shooting is with a timer at speeds as quick as I can hit acurately. Every shot sequence is from the draw. Alot of el presedente stuff. three targets, draw at the beep 2 shots o each. beep..2-2-2reload2-2-2. after several of those, I draw and two to the body one to the head. then I set up some stages and shoot match scenarios. all this is only with about 150-200 rounds, twice a week in the summer months. In the winter ALOT of dry fire practice{sub zero temps here in ND}. Summer or winter I try to practice dry fire at least once per day doing the same 2-2-2 reload2-2-2 and 2 to body on to head, all with the timer, you cant geta timed score, but you get to practce reacting to the beep. Practice ransitions from target to target, every draw I use all three mags so I get two reloads and nine transitions foir ever draw. Of course you actually only drop the hammer once but I still pull the trigger tice per target so I am simulating 18 shots. Practice week hnd and strong hand only dry fires, drawing from a table with both loaded and unloaded gun(gun and mags are emty, I meant practice with the empty mag in the gun, then with the empty mag out, grab gun, insert emty mag and simulate loading and dry fire on the target. I always use IDPA targets. Aim at what you plan on shooting at in the matches. Practice your stance untill you can draw and come to the first target with your eyes closed, then you know where your stance should be. Sorry ths was so long, but thats what I do. PS. DO NOT PLINK!!!! you will do what you practice, so if yo take your time and plink, you will freeze up when under stress, don't take your magazine and set it down so it wont get dropped, I see guys do that at matces when the mag is supposed to be dropped from the gun to the ground, they PULL it out and then drop it because thats what they do in practice. Your not gonna hurt it ay dropping it. Als practrice doing all three types of reloads, tactical, slide lock, and with retention, for IDPA, if you shoot IPSC or USPSA, you won't need two of them.
Depends on the competition

Since I compete in different disciplines (revolver/auto, slow/timed/fast-as-you-can, etc.), it depends. Generally the practice looks like the competition. A timer is good since time is involved somehow, although I usually use a stopwatch. My range allows drawing from a holster (although no types which point the muzzle sideways or backwards or require the shooter to sweep the muzzle by other shooters during the draw) so that is usually how I start.

Most shooting is done at 7 and 25 yards. Serious practice sessions are about 100 rounds, unless something goes wrong (either me or the hardware), and I have to fix it, then more rounds.

I do not "plink" with the competition guns. I want measurable feedback on my results, so I know if any bad habits develop. If I were good, I would not develop bad habits. ;) With enough practice, I get to the point where certain actions are automatic. Pick up gun X and the grips go exactly the right place in my hand, reloads are almost automatic, etc. But not all my shooting is competition or practice. I do plink, just not with the competition guns. Heck, I have fun shooting clumps of dirt on the berm.
