Type 99 long rifle


Hey guys, i have another type 99 question. Earlier this year grabbed a beat to hell t-99 long rifle at my LGS and had a tough time restoring the stock. It still sits in the original state because between the Air Force and college i haven't had ttime to work on it. Fast forward to today when i was looking for a guitar for my brother at a different pawn shop where i snagged another t-99 long for 86 bucks! This one was in far better condition: the metal is rusty but with a good cleaning all of the gunk and rust will be gone. It has the anti aircraft sights but has a ground mum. My biggest complaint is that the stock was sporterized, so i have another stock issue for a rifle that stocks are impossible to find for!

My question for yall is do any of you know where i can find a replcement or would be willing to sell a replacement stock? They are such beautiful and cool rifles and i hate seeing them so close to being complete! Any help at all would be much appreciated!!
Rummage around here. The links work, but that doesn't mean all the 'parts' places are still in business. Teri goes at Japanese stuff like the academic she is.
Takes more than just a cleaning to remove rust. 0000 steel wool and light oil will do it with no fuss. Then look closely at where the rust was for pitting. There is no fixing pitting.
Liberty Tree has some Type 99 stocks.
Thank you! Haven't tried nambu world yet, and steel wool is all i use on these old guns with a little bit of solvent! Boiling water for gunk and a good scrubbing! I bought one of those type 99 stocks and none of them fit the rifle!
Just a word of warning:
Arisaka rifles are finished with a varnish made from plant oils from a tree related to poison sumac. Sanding the finish will release dust that will cause severe respiratory irritation. If you want to refinish any Arisaka rifle, strip it completely using a chemical stripper and refinish using whatever you feel is nice.
A type 99 long rifle take a different stock than the regular T-99 rifle . They are almost impossible to find . Liberty has none on that link . You might find one on ebay , but you are looking at $300 + for a complete one .