Type 99 long rifle wood restoration


At my local gun store I found an old beat-up type 99 tucked away on the rack. As a collector of milsurps and not having a jap rifle, i haggled them to 150 and walked out with it.

My love with mil surps is cleaning them up and showing them some love. I replace parts when necessary but i prefer to keep them original. The rifle had light rust over the body woth a perfect bore. The stock was the worst part: it had dings and a large crack on the front left that had been shoddily repaired with wood glue. The over all shape was curved as if the wood had been warped at some point. There were also 2 pins in the grip from previous repair

When i got home i stripped it and cleaned the metal with some No. 9 and steel wool which had a wonderful result. Having no wood repairing skill i asked dad about the stock who was equally stumped. I then concluded to get a replacement stock online. I did my research and saw that there were early and late war rifles and upon picture comparison i saw that i had a early war. This stumped me because the markings made it seem as if i had a late war rifle. I ordered an early war stock from Liberty Tree Collectors and waited.

I recieved my stock today and when i unpackaged it and put it next to my old stock i was stumped. The new stock was about 5 inches shorter than the original. I didnt see any info about any other models of type 99. I dug a little deeper online and saw that i had a type 99 long rifle. More collectable and rare than other standard models with only around 38,000 being produced. Meaning very very few parts floating around.

I restore old rifles to breathe life into old beauties and get them back into working order so than can do what they were meant to do. I want to get those old woman back in the field but i want that stock repaired first. Is it possible to clean up this stock any or is it a lost cause? Like i said, i have no wood experience so i will take any ideas.

Trying to upload pics, they keep failing...
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Old wood can be restored to a degree. dents can be steamed out to a certain extend. warps can be straitened out. All that requires is steam and a jig to hold the wood in place as it drys out.
Cracks are more problematic. If the old glue job is bad you need to get that old glue out and start over. Cracks that affect the integrity of the stock are going to need "mechanical" reinforcement.
Dents. You might want to move the iron around more than this guy does.

Straightening bent wood is similar to getting out dents, but with more steam and water.
The hard part is setting up clamps or a jig to bend your stock into the right shape. the steam is made in a steam box or even a large plastic bag, depending on the size of the wood.

Good luck.
"...The new stock was about 5 inches shorter..." A very wild guess says they sent you a Type 99 short rifle stock. Gunparts indicates there was a Short and Long Type 99.
"...info about any other models of Type 99..." Go here. Huge, well researched site, about most stuff Japanese arms. Go to the Nambu World main page linked at the bottom too. The Advanced Research Corner page as well.
99s are hard to get aroun here

I would love to get my hands on a nice 99 it's been a long arduous task finding a good one
First off, don't try to sand Japanese military rifles. The finish is a natural plant lacquer that contains an irritant that can cause serious health issues if sanded and the dust is breathed in. Just wipe the wood down and leave it alone. Go ahead and scrub the metal if you want to, just leave the wood alone. If you need to strip it, use a chemical stripper.

As far as early vs late type rifles, all Type 99s are late type AFAIK.

alicemark- if you want a nice Type 99, just PM me.
It sounds like you may have a Type 38 rifle rather than a Type 99. Post a picture of the top of the receiver over the chamber and I (and many others) can tell you what you have.