TX22 …..good buy??


New member
So, I see a bunch of you bought the Taurus TX22 over the last few years.

How do you like it?
How many rounds through it?
Any jamming/feed issue? What? How many?
Any other issues?
Have you felt the need to modify, or just shoot?

Thank you. I’m itching for one, although I generally dislike Taurus.
I’ve had one since shortly after they were released. While it has been flawless (as flawless as any semi-auto 22LR can be), I had a problem with lead accumulation in the barrel which caused loss of accuracy after 50 or so rounds. Turns out that terrible chatter marks in the barrel grooves were the culprit. As I recall, I read about the issue online and emailed customer service. They had me ship it back to them and I had it back with a brand new barrel in about 10 days. I have not had that problem since and I suspect they’ve sorted that out since back then.

It has no pickiness about ammo and is a great trainer and plinker. And, unlike my Sig P-322, it doesn’t care how you load the magazine. So I’d say You should go for it.
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>>Turns out that terrible chatter marks in the barrel grooves were the culprit<<

Getting a good barrel from Taurus is the luck of the draw, at least with the Standard model. I recently picked up a new Standard but immediately bought an aftermarket barrel from Lakeline, so potential problem solved. I also have a Compact model, but they seem to have fixed the crappy barrel issue with this one. Aside from that, both models have proven to be quite reliable. Only time will tell.
Aside from that, both models have proven to be quite reliable.

It is amazing to me that Taurus has figured it out on this model, especially considering the double stack magazines and 22lr!
I hated Taurus and 26 years ago swore I'd never buy another (PT22 soured me on them, but also had a PT99 that was quite nice).

After a LOT of research, I bought the standard model last summer. I'm a Glock guy because they go bang every time, but you can't say that about the Glock 44. The same is true for Walther, Ruger, etc unless you use CCI ammo. My TX22 has been remarkably trouble free. I had quite the mix of ammo going back 40 some years. Other than a few duds in the older stuff, it just worked, even on some of the oldest, crappy Federal and Winchester bulk ammo.

Accuracy is good. Could even be excellent in someone else's hands.

Between myself and my son, we've gone through over 2,500 rounds of Aquila Super Extra and probably over 1,000 of a mix of everything else.
I have the standard model. No problems of any kind, I love the darn thing. As JMHyer said, the mags load super easy. All types of ammo go bang. Accuracy is as good as any of my 22 pistols except my High Standard HD, which is phenomenally accurate. One reason I bought it was after watching a YouTube test of 10 different 22 semi auto pistols and they picked the Taurus as #1. Probably 1500 rounds through it, mostly bulk Federal.
I've had the TX22 for several years now. I like it so much I also bought the compact model when it came out. One of the two goes to the range with me almost every trip, (about 50 times a year). Thousands of rounds with the normal misses using a variety of standard and HV ammo. Accuracy is as good my eyes allow. I added a laser for an extra level of fun. Good gun, great value, lots of fun.
When I first got my TX 22 I had all kinds of feeding problems. I took apart the magazines and cleaned them out and sprayed them with Dupont Teflon spray to try to slick things up. I also polished the feed ramp with a bullet shaped bit and some Mothers polishing compound.

I also bought two more magazines and cleaned them the same way. In conclusion, there was one magazine out of four that always gave me problems, the other three worked fine. I consulted with Taurus Customer Service and they sent me a replacement magazine for the faulty one. Now I have four good magazines that work perfectly.
I’ve had one for a couple of years. It runs great with all sorts of ammo, but only if you are careful about how you load the mags. In my experience, if you try to pull down the follower and drop in the rounds, the rounds don’t line up correctly and the top round doesn’t pop up like it should. I recently found a YouTube video where a guy loads the mag, turns it horizontally, pulls down slightly on the follower tabs and gives it a little shake. The bullets line up just right. Haven’t tried it yet but looks good.
McFadden Machine Lightnin Grip Loader

This is what I use, and it couldn't be easier or faster. I never had any luck with the old style McFadden loaders but this one works slick!
FWIW I always load mags by pulling down the follower then let it push back to the top. I've not had mag or feeding problems with either pistols. In fact I regard the mags as quite good; reliable, easy to use, sturdy and simple to use. My only comment is that the tab could be a little larger or offer more "grip" on my thumb.
I load by wedging. I don't use the follower tabs.

Load the 1st round, then hinge/wedge the next and so on until mag is loaded and all the rims are stacked correctly. No rim-lock!

I've been shooting a lot of 22-rimfire challenge matches lately and I see a lot of jammed up guns of all makes. I bet 99% of the jams are from rimlock as these are quality guns/ammo/mags that I'm seeing get jammed up, and I'm talking a lot of high dollar guns and ammo with experienced shooters.
Required pics!
