Since I don't know where you live, I can only give generalities, and second the advice about consulting a lawyer. Just make sure he isn't going to charge you for it, though!
My stepfather is on
parole (not the same thing as probation, of course, but similar), and recently stayed several hours at my house to watch my 1yo while the wife and I were out. I asked him if my guns in the house would get him in trouble, and he said "no", as long as he did not have access to them. All guns in my house were either cased and locked, or had a cablelock through the action. I don't think probation vs. parole would make much difference, since in either case there was a felony conviction (your family member is on probation for a
felony, yes?) and would be prohibited by law from having access. The actual sentence (jail time vs. probation time) would be irrelevant. BTW, will this probationer actually be living with you, or visiting?
Disclaimer: I am not a lawyer, nor do I play one on TV.
Pray as though it's all up to God, act as though it's all up to you.
Aim small- miss small...
If it isna Scottish, it's CRAP! RKBA!
[This message has been edited by Jedi Oomodo (edited September 03, 2000).]