
New member
What does this allow me to carry? What I mean is...after the class and I have the license...can I carry any pistol or do I have to have them "added" to my CHL?
If you qualify with a semi-auto you can carry either a revolver or semi-auto. If you qualify with a revolver, you can only carry a revolver. Your license will specify which you qualify with and when your instructor signs off on your qualification round, he/she will note what you used on the paperwork that you send to DPS.
You do not have to list each gun you carry, or will carry.

You must qualify with a .32 or bigger.

Even if you intend to carry a revolver it’s better to use an auto for the course and not be limited to only a revolver. Rent one if you don’t have one.
There is no provision to "add" anything to your CHL.

You must use a .32 cal or larger to qualify; after that (subject to the revolver/semi exclusion referenced above..and your budget) you may carry whatever you can effectively conceal.

If you are in the DFW area and looking for a good CHL class/instructor, please pm me. I am not a CHL instuctor, nor do I have and any financial interest in his operation, but the one I go to is very good and reasonably priced.

PS--Clay types faster than I do. :)
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Once you have your CHL, if qualifying with a simi-auto, you can carry what you please.

You can carry as many as you want (but all of them must be concealed.)

Yes you can pack a twin shoulder holster with a pair of .45s, two IWB Glocks, two J .38s in ankle holsters, a pair of LCP's in Thunderwear, and a derringer in every pocket.

But they must be concealed!

But after a while you will get tired of carrying all that stuff and settle down for a nice handgun or two to pack.

...and don't psych yourself out about the qualification... if you are a decent shot, can listen to instructions and know your weapon, you'll be fine. My buddy just about talked himself out of it because he made such a big deal about the qualification.
Agreed about the quals, important stuff is in the classroom. Relatively certain I and most instructors could qualify blindfolded. I know some excellent instructors in the D/FW area as well. PM if you need input. And no, I'm not an instructor, just know a half-dozen and help with quals on occasion.
If you'll NEVER carry a semi-auto or drive a vehicle where one may possibly reside the restricted revolver permit may work for you.
And it's not after youve completed the class you get to carry, it's when you get your actual license is when you get to.
Aside from being allowed to carry, your CHL means you can buy any legal firearm without any kind of waiting period ... walk in, hand the salesman your plastic, fill out the form and 15 minutes later walk out with your purchase ...
If you aren't already pretty familiar with firearms and, in particular, firearms safety, then please get some basic instruction in same before you go take the CHL qualification.

The 'training' is (my opinion only, of course) not sufficient to make you safe if you don't already know the basics.


Agreed ^ The course exposes you to the rules and regulations. The shooting part of it only checks to see if you are proficient enough with a handgun to be safe. It does not teach anyone how to safely handle a firearm. Learn that first somewhere else. One option that can help is a Texas hunters safety course offered by state licensed instructors.
More training! I once had someone pontificate to me that he was a trained pistolero and SD whiz as he took the CHL course. Blah!

Course and shooting part is easy.
Fees are reduced for certain things I see.


Senior citizen

Disabled (I think)

Not for coyote shooting! That's a joke only for those who keep up on TX governors who shoot coyotes and run for president and used to be democrats news.

Class was good. I'm capable at handling firearms pre-class. Felt bad for some people (women) who weren't. They had too much of the wrong kind of help. Qualifying was very easy.

I learned a thing or two.
If you are in Texas, you can can carry a handgun in your vehicle or a vehicle which is under your control.....if it isn't in plain view. Yes, it is the poor man's CHL and it only protects you while you are in your vehicle and/or to and from it. There are some other rules you have to follow like weapons free zones, you can't be a gang member, etc.

But, go through the CHL training and you can't lose.
A perfect score on the qualification is 250, and minimum was
175. Believe me, I was next to a guy who shot the minimum on
my second renewal, and this guy gave me the willies, knowing
he was gonna be out on the streets,with a gun! Man, there
were bullet holes from the top to the bottom! :)