Two more weeks to Tanzania


New member
leaving on the 2nd of September, Any last minute words to the wise from you seasoned Buff hunters out there?

Rich it ain't to late to get you and Ashley up there. Or are you affraid of having to see Ashley hunting buff in his Wranglers and teaching all the locals "The way of the redneck".

And passing on a 50 incher for a "good hog." All at the same time explaining to the PH why his Landrover sucks and how he could make it into a real 4wd with the help a blow torch and $50,000 extra bucks :D :D Oh and why his double rifle is a POS compared to a Marlin.;)
Just had a buddy get back from a plains game hunt in SA. This guy is very (!) experianced on whitetail and hogs.

He had the same initial problem that I did. The range to the animals can be way closer than we get here in the states. The solution I came up with is to have your guide give you direction and distance so you can get your "game eyes" adjusted. My guide and I rehersed him tracking me on to all srts o things - trees, bushes, rocks, etc. Usually went like this - diker, 65 yards, 2 o'clock - he got his orientation from the muzzle of my rifle.

The first couple of days were a pain as I consistantly looked too far. Came up with this and things smoothed out.
leaving on the 2nd of September, Any last minute words to the wise from you seasoned Buff hunters out there?

Sept. 2? My birthday! Take me with you! ;)

I have a good friend who shot a big buff 2 yrs ago. After being pushed all day, the buff finally tired of the game, turned, and charged at 100 yds. As the buff neared, all my friend saw of his gunbearers was a black streak as they headed for the nearest tree. The PH jumped behind my friend... a curious position from which to take the backup shot. My pal aimed at the 4" triangle under the buf's lowered chin, and dropped him with one shot at 45 yds. He's cool under fire... ex- special forces type.

He told me the PH showed him some snapshots of a hunter who wasn't so lucky. Guy wounded the buff superficially, who then charged, and stomped/gored him into small bloody chunks, leaving only the head and feet intact. Be careful out there! They are some kind of ornery, I guess.
Grab your gear lets go!!!:) I just hope I can out run my trackers and my PH.

Big G,
Thanks man hopefully the stories will be tall and entertaining.
Rifle #1 Model 70 Stainless .375H&H topped with a Leupold 1.75X6. Shooting 270 gr Barnes X and 270 gr Barnes solids.

Rifle #2 Model 70 Stainless custom .458 Lott sighted with AO ghost rings. Shooting 500 gr woodleigh softs and solids.
However see the disaster strikes thread!! I am still hoping to be bringing the heavy rifle it's in God's hands now.