Two Ladies and two Girls in NYC


New member
Two ladies and two ten year old girls are going to the American Girl store in NYC. They are from CT so they can't carry in NY.

What non-firearm suggestions would you give them to prevent being a victim?

Also, apparently you can't carry pepper spray unless it's bought in New York. :confused: How is that a public safety benefit? :rolleyes:
Situational awareness is more useful than a submachinegun as far as not being a victim. Of course that isn't something you can give to someone.
Situational awareness is more useful than a submachinegun as far as not being a victim. Of course that isn't something you can give to someone.

They probably will make that illegal in NYC soon anyway. Situational awareness could be considered a hate crime, because you might be profiling people who look evil in your opinion.
Number one, stay together.

But honestly, relax. Fifth ave at 49th st is as safe as it comes.
LEO visible on every corner; 3 others you will never see until you need them. Its not Ed Kotch's NYC anymore; they will be very very very safe.

Drive in, eat the $20 to park.
They probably will make that illegal in NYC soon anyway. Situational awareness could be considered a hate crime, because you might be profiling people who look evil in your opinion.

:eek:.......................oh wait wrong one, I meant :D:D:D

But seriously:
Situational awareness is more useful than a submachinegun as far as not being a victim.

+100.....and maybe carry a brick in a purse :p
I went to NY on vacation a while back. I carried one of those 2 AA cell Mini Mag Lights. From my understanding, you can't even carry a knife in NY. If the bad guys have a gun, then just hand it over. Even if they have a knife, it is best to hand it over. Its not worth risking your life or serious bodily injury, especially with kids in tow. Now if they try to abduct anyone or worse, then fight with everything and anything you've got.

While I personally hate NYC, it has it's "cultural value" and everyone should visit at least once. So assuming you are NOT going to avoid crime by avoiding NYC, here are a few things I would do to avoid crime in NYC.

- Avoid looking like a tourist. I know this will be impossible for most, especially if it is your first time. Try not to carry too many things (massive packs or camera bags). Keep your eyes open and exercise the situational awareness everyone else is talking about.

- Do not dress in flashy clothes or wear flashy jewelry (watches, handbags, etc...). (Its kind of hard to avoid if you're going to a show or some of the nicer places). If you are going out for a night on the town, take a cab instead of the subway.

- Restrict your excursions to places that are more crowded and only during times when it is more likey for lots of people to be around. Ask the hotel concierge or tourist information places rather then people off of the street.

- Carry all cash, IDs, and credit cards in a safe place. A lot of people use pouches worn around their necks and tuck them inside their shirts. If you do get mugged, just give up your wallet. Consider a secondary wallet if you have a really nice wallet. Only pull out your neck pouch in a private place such as a restroom stall. You never know who is looking.

- Credit cards are much safer than cash in general, but you will need to keep some cash. Do NOT FLASH your cash around. I'm from Miami and have seen this so many times. Some totally oblivious person thinks its cool to show off by whipping out a wad of cash. Its probably a bunch of ones with a few big bills around the outside, but it attracts the wrong kind of attention.

Thats most of the tips I have right now. I will post more if I think of anything. I hope this wasn't too obvious!
Situational awareness is more useful than a submachinegun as far as not being a victim. Of course that isn't something you can give to someone

Not necessarily, Willie, my man.

Sometimes excellent situational awareness is all that gives you time to draw your weapon, with threat detection not possible well enough in advance to avoid the situation.

Wonder how the unarmed store clerk in NYC feels when he's situationally aware enough to know he's about to be the victim of an armed robbery and isn't allowed, by law, to do a damned thing about it--without a year in prison for violating the Sullivan law.
When I cannot carry my Clock 19 I carry a real blackthorn Irish Shillelagh. I'm old and use a cane anyway so the big nob on the end of that sucker car really discourage a person from bothering you!:D
Also, apparently you can't carry pepper spray unless it's bought in New York. How is that a public safety benefit?

Oops forgot this part, is it legal to buy pepper spray as a non resident in new york? If so i would buy it there, or just go without. Personally would rather go armed but I wouldn't let it stop me from visiting somewhere I wanted to go.
lol, I go to NYC all the time, I live 30 minutes away from it, you will be fine, i've been on subways by myself at 3am, no one has bothered me, i've practically lived in manhattan for most of my life in terms of being around and hanging out, its really nowhere near as bad as it use to be like 20-30 years ago, its actually pretty damn safe, and people are always around, you are never really alone in Manhattan.
I think Stephen426 has some great advice! I really HATE that I have a NY pistol permit yet I CANT carry in NYC. Its a bunch of crap.
+1 for situational awareness

whatever you do be most careful driving there - because that'll be the most dangerous thing you do that day ;) Enjoy
I drive a limo in NYC. In most areas I cant pull over long enough to relieve myself at a McDonald's without getting ticketed. LE in that prevalent.
Bloomberg has the placed so locked down you get fined for smoking cigarettes on the wrong street.
I travel quite a bit in the Northeast, and honestly; there are few places I would consider safer than NYC these days. Help is constantly and immediately available.
Just trying to offer some piece of mind; odds are they will have a wonderful time.
I grew up in Manhattan

Right in the area where they filmed West Side Story, at the time they filmed West Side Story. It has changed a lot - more because of Giuliani than anything Bloomberg ever accomplished. When I was growing up, we were cautioned to carry tribute in case we were mugged - the police were not allowed to use hollow point bullets because they might violate the criminal's right to rehabilitation if they were killed - muggings were treated as misdemeanors for all intents and purposes - to get things treated as a felony, the criminal had to actually draw blood.

That started to change around the time of the movie Death Wish and the Bernard Goetz subway shooting. Then, under Giuliani who succeeded the absolutely ineffective Dinkins, they actually started enforcing all the laws - citations for buildings with broken windows, store owners and building owners not sweeping the sidewalks, aggressive panhandlers actually going to jail, muggers treated as violent criminals instead of street entertainment. NYC became much safer.

I come back to NYC frequently. It's so different from when I was growing up, and it's a good different. I take the subway without fear, I walk around aware of my surroundings but not with the hunched "I'm waiting to be a victim look." That doesn't mean that there is no crime, but the common sense things I've seen written in this thread should go a long way toward keeping people from becoming victims.
I've been going to manhattan since I was a child 40+ years ago.
In the last 20 years it has cleaned up substantially.
In the years since 9/11 it has probably become the safest place in America.

I Was there this past fall with a few friends and we walked from 14th street and 5th avenue to 46th street and broadway at 3:00am and I was no more concerned than if I were walking in Montreal.

Parking in midtown can cost upwards of $50.00 a day so taking cabs and buses is recommended.
NYC is a fairly safe place today.
It is legal to carry a folding knife w. less than 4" blade. If it can be operated by gravity or centrifugal force (broadly interpreted by NYPD) and the blade locks it might be considered illegal. Non-locking blade seems to be OK no matter how NYPD interprest the law, so something like a Swiss Army knife is legal.
I don't believe NYC law prohibits non-resident to buy pepper spray; it is true that it is not legal to bring into city, but most drugstores sell it. Of course a cane or umbrella is legal. Chances are very slim you will need spray, cane, or umbrella for SD.
Situational awareness... but do NOT look at anyone coming down the sidewalk, in the intersection etc. Just walk quickly along the sidewalk looking at the heels of the person ahead of you.

That is the way the TV shows see people walking.