two fast questions...maybe

Joe Portale

New member
Question 1. Has anyone used the bench rest follower sold by Midway? Does it improve the feeding and does it limit you to loading one round at a time?

Question 2. I converted a VZ Mauser to .243. For some reason the rifle will only hold 4 rounds, instead of five. I checked the two cases, the original 8mm and the .243 seem close enogh that this should not matter. Also, I can get the a fifth round in but it jams up the magazine. When this happens the floor plate has to be dropped to get the rounds out. Any ideas?

Joe Portale
Tucson, Arizona Territory

"Those who turn their swords into plow shears,
end up plowing the fields of those who didn't"
Thomas Jefferson
Joe, I haven't used one from Midway but all the benchrest followers I've seen have been designed to turn the rifle into a single shot.

Did you block the rear of the box for the shorter round. It shouldn't be necessary but if you did the block may be too tight near the bottom. There could also be a dent or ding in the mag box. That's all I can think of right now that would cause this. George
Thanks for the reply George,

No I didn't block the follower or mag. During the assembly I tested the feeding and it seemed that it wasn't needed. In fact I could get five rounds in the magazine when the gun was on the work bendch, less furniture. The magazine is not dented. And the fit to the stick is snug, but not so tight that it would warp the sides of the mag. This is a strange puppy I have here. I'm pulling it apart later to see if anything is obstructing the mag, follower or spring. We might just have to chalk this one up to bad kharma.

Joe Portale
Tucson, Arizona Territory

"Those who turn their swords into plow shears,
end up plowing the fields of those who didn't"
Thomas Jefferson

I have used Midway's benchrest follower on a 700V in .223. It does limit you to single loading. As far as the improved feeding goes, I saw no difference. Something like that is required though, if you intend to block off the mag well and employ some method to increase stiffness in that area. I didn't do that because the rifle wasn't mine. The follower was installed over the factory follower and removed later. It does prevent you from accidentally shoving a fragile, hand-tailored bench rest round into the mag well, to be bull-dozed out by the bolt. If you are using very light neck tension, that can disturb the bullet-to-rifling interface .