Two different Cultures?


New member
After watching the results of the recent vote in MO I have come to the realization that this country is divided into two different cultures. The large cities, with a good percentage of the population appear to have made the difference in recent elections and votes concerning RKBA. In MO St Louis apparently defeated the proposed amendment in spite of the fact that most of the counties in the state voted for it. In the last senatorial election in my home state (NY), Charles (Putzhead) Schumer was elected in spite of the vote in the rural counties going heavily for his opponent. NYC elected Schumer and will probably elect Hillary if she decides to run. The same trend appears across the country. Large liberal cities controll the vote in their states.

I believe we will loose further freedoms due to the liberal cities forcing new restraints upon the rest of us.

The cities attract large numbers of immgrants, minorities and Soccer Mom types who mobilize to vote while the rural areas, where hunting and gun ownership is a way of life, tend to vote conservatively, and show up to vote in low numbers.

The media's liberal bias stems from the fact that most of the media is based in large cities and reflect the atitudes of the majority of the people in these cities.

Thus we are being divided into two different cultures and one culture is imposing its will on the other. Who will come to help us country types when the city folk come to take away our rights. Is there really much difference between Clinton and Milosovitch?

I think I have been sitting at this computer too long, I need to go to the range!
I think you have pretty-well explained it.The city types are indoctrinated with the idea that the rampant crime that they fear is directly caused by guns and can be eliminated by eliminating guns.
Country folks are much smarter and do not ask or expect their government to protect them.

Better days to be,

Quite a few competent sociologists have studied and commented on this facet of our society.

Along with the urban vs. rural conflict, there is also the clash between those who look to some level of government to solve all problems and those of us who are more "rugged individualists". The pro-government types commonly believe that government *should* have whatever authority is necessary to solve problems, as well as sole responsibility.

To an extent, the word "sheeple" is useful to describe this mostly-urban, pro-government, anti-gun group. It is my opinion that we can include those who think:

We don't need dams and reservoirs; water comes from a faucet.

We don't need new power plants; a switch on the wall provides light.

We don't need dairies; milk comes in a carton from the grocery store.

We don't need those smelly feedlots; meat comes cut and wrapped from Mr. Safeway.

We don't need those nasty sewage treatment plants; magic happens when you work the handle on the "facility".

And so on.

Or am I just an old, cynical attack-curmudgeon?

Regards, Art
Art, just a young curmudgeon checking in :)

Seriously, contry folk aren't smarter; it's just that more people in the country have had experience using a gun for more than mugging someone. Most of us have been in dangerous situations while armed, and others while unarmed. We know how each works, while most city folk only know how it feels unarmed. To their way of thinking, having the other guy unarmed is a better option than arming themselves because it doesn't require the commitment, care, skill, or courage that fighting does.

Another note--you mentioned low turnout for rural areas. Well, whose fault is that? It's mine. Yours too. We should both be doing more to get the vote out. I've begun actively preaching self-defense and RKBA to acquaintances here at college--as sheeple-intensive as it gets, most students think my Benchmade is illegal 'cause it's pointy. Sure, it makes some people uncomfortable, but the ones who like me won't let that get between us. The others, well, what do I have to lose? We all have to talk to the people who don't agree with us, because that's the only way to change things. City people aren't incapable of seeing reason if you present it politely and have an answer for everything. ;)
It's the same 'compassionate' liberals that are the cause of the crime problem. If they weren't so 'compassionate' towards the poor criminals, they wouldn't keep doing crimes. Say what you will, but a .45 twixt the eyes cures recidivism.

M2, in a most cynical mood.
Country folks ARE smarter;thats why they live in the country!
Look at it like this-if you live in a place where the majority of the people,i.e. voters are willingly dependant on the government why should it surprise you that they vote the way they do?
The only bright spot is that I see more people today who are seriously fed up with big government that maybe the tide is turning.
There have been a number of presidencies that I did not appreciate but I always felt that the USA was strong enough to survive four years of anything.If we survive eight years of ol slick we must say NEVER AGAIN!!!

Better days to be,

Yeah, but the same folks that brought us eight years of Slick, brought us welfare, political correctness, and sucking up to the government teat. As well as gun control.

I believe that the tide is turning. What is bringing it on is the inter-net. The vast majority of us on the net now are getting our source of news directly. We no longer rely on 'filtered' newsources to find out what is happening. I have met many wonderful people who were challenged to read the orginal documents for themselves and then decide. Through the net those documents are just a click away. More and more people are finding out for themselves.

Also our side is on the right and with the net we can post the links to the documentation to support our position. The other side can only argue with emotion and their few lower federal court cases. With Emerson even these can now be argued effectively.

So keep your chin's up and keep out there fighting. Truth will eventually prevail.

What troubles me most about our society is the widespread apathy regarding virtues such as integrity, honesty, and honor. Apparently, these are now archaic values with the majority of our citizens. If we can trust the polls. I don't know if I trust them any longer. And that brings up a scary thought: If we can't trust the opinion polls can we trust the voting polls?

I have chosen to call it "Recycled Immorality". Same stuff, different name. It's cyclic like fashion and governments.


"Just because something is popular, does not make it right."

[This message has been edited by John/az2 (edited April 16, 1999).]
Chairman Mao once said, "Power comes from the barrel of a gun." Slick Willie wants his side to have all the guns. NUFF SAID?
Paul B.

Things are changing. The big cities are slowly dying. People are getting fed up with uncaring, incompetent government and especially the poor inner city school systems which teach nothing. Memphis is experiancing a mass exodus of the working middle class to the smaller cities and outlieing county areas. I live in one of these smaller cities. Even though we are next door to Memphis, it might as well be a world away. The quality of life here is so much better.
Pretty soon the big cities will only be populated with the very poor and the very rich. Neither of which can support the needed tax base. The big city will eventually become a broken down ghost town where one dare not travel at night. Therefore, More and more people start thinking about taking their personal saftey into their own hands.
To quote Peter Gabrial (Genisess) from "The Lamb lies down on Broadway"...

"I'd rather trust a Country Man then a Town Man. I'd rather trust a Man that works with his hands. You look in his eyes you know he understands... Don't need any shield when your out in the field."

Schmit, GySgt, USMC(Ret)
NRA Life, Lodge 1201-UOSSS
"Si vis Pacem Para Bellum"