TV report on 1920s Tulsa race riots show racist roots of anti-gunners

Futo Inu

New member
These bloody riots started when a black man got into an elevator with a 17 white female elev. operator, who got scared. Then hostilities spread wildly and many blacks armed themselves. The riots actually started when a white man asked a black man "Where are you going with that gun, nigger?". Then a struggle to take the gun ensued, during which the black man was shot. Let's call Dianne Feinstein and others like her what she really is for wanting to ban low-priced guns fromt the hands of those that need them most - she's a racist in deed, if not in her mind.
It would be appropriate to mention that the armed black men were veterans of WW1, and had come to offer security to the jailed man in the face of a potential lynch mob. They were turned away.
From the beginning of this country back when it was a collection of colonies, "gun control" was aimed at minorities. The first laws forbad the teaching slaves how to use a firearm. That changed when some minor problems with the Native Americans that did not like losing their lands to the new arrivals.

For a lot of inforamtion check out Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership.

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum
"If there be treachery, let there be jehad!"

[This message has been edited by Jim V (edited November 11, 1999).]
I don't know if the recent movie "Rosewood" covered this issue, but the actual events did feature WW1 vets fighting back against the mob.

I also recall reading about Jews of Odessa, RUssia, who had kept several blocks untouched by a 1905 pogrom with a roof-mounted Maxim. They were denounced by "Jewish leaders" afterwards and most emigrated to Palestine over time (where they started the precursor to Hagana). In 1906, previously untouched blocks got overrun by the Black Hundreds just like the rest of the city. Lovely.

My idea of keeping Jews (and others) safe(er) from violence is summed up in "Juden Haben Waffen!"

Cornered Rat RKBA posters Portrait, nature photos
And many dont realize how the blacks were well armed during the civil rights struggles of the sixties in the South. You never saw black communities attacked by white mobs as in Tulsa or Rosewood ,Florida. I will bet armed black people keep hated filled people from causing serious problems. anti civil rights groups had to fire fro m the darkness. These liberal politicos, whites and blacks, are really disgusting.
The post (Un)Civil War anti-gun laws of the Deep South served to make it safe for the KKK to terrorize the newly freed slaves.

Modernly, the issue of gun control transcends any racial basis and is "equal opportunity" for we, the "unwashed masses", who are hopelessly in need of guidance from our "elite" citzens.

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