Turkish Mauser 1893/1939 8mm


New member
Turkish Mauser 7mm
Model 1893, Rechambered for 8mm in 1939 (or 1938, hard to tell)
Bought as-is for $200 (tell me if this sounds about right)
Non-matching parts
Wood finish is a little worn
Fires fine
Cant think of any more pertinent information.


Currently have a troubleshooting thread here:http://thefiringline.com/forums/showthread.php?t=409465 If you would like to help me out. Its my first rifle other than a .22, so Im trying to do things right.
Looks like you got a nice one and the price is about right for a 1893.Dont worry too much about the non matching parts since very few Turkish rifles show up with matching numbers.If you didnt already do it fill out the serial number survey over at the Turk mauser site to add your rifle to the list.

It looks like theres some cosmoline or something around the rear sight area in your photos (unless thats just the finish wear Im seeing).Did you disassemble and/or clean the rifle at all before you shot it?If there was cosmoline in the chamber or bolt when you fired it that may be causing your extraction problems.
I cleaned it with everything except a brush, fired it a few times, then got the right sized brush and cleaned it again. If there was ANYTHING in the barrel when i fired it the first time, it was small enough to scrape by the initial cleaning. And yeah the stuff on the wood by the rear sight is the finish wearing off. Refinishing the wood is on my list of things to do with this gun, once I get a little more experienced with working with this particular rifle.