Turkey Season

Eric of IN

New member
I was just wondering why turkeys are hunted in the spring, instead of the fall like every other critter?

Formerly Puddle Pirate.
Teach a kid to shoot.
It annoys the antis.
"But Officer I HAVE to have all these guns in the truck, I'm going to TFL End of Summer Meet"
they generally dont gobble in the fall for one.it also has to do with the breeding season.some states do have a fall turkey season.
Turkeys are hunted in the fall in 40 states. Just picked up that interesting tidbit on tv Sat. a.m.

It is much easier to hunt them in the spring when they will come to a call. Make some yelps, purrs, clucks, try to sound like a hen ready for breedin and they come runnin in. At least they are supposed to, if you've never had one hang up, strut and gobble at 150 yds but come no closer, you don't know what frustrated means. In the fall they are more spread out, the toms know they aint gettin any so why bother comin to a call. Fall turkey huntin can be damn tough if you don't know exactly where the birds are. (If you do know exactly where the birds are, it is probably in somebody's farmyard :D )
As near as I can tell, the fall season is just because there are a lot of turkeys. If you find them at all, it is because there are enough of them to hunt.

The spring season is after their breeding season, so taking a gobbler won't harm the population-growth cycle.

And now you know as much about it as I do.

:), Art
In NE, the spring seasons are tied to "normal" dates for breeding period. The regular season is during the breeding season. It is done this way because the turkeys are gathered in larger flocks, and are very active and vocal, with much gobbling and strutting by the toms and calling by the hens. I prefer to hunt the late season in the unit that I hunt, the peak of the mating season is just past and most of the hens have been bred and moved off seperately to nest. The toms are still active, looking for more hens, and seem to be more responsive to calling. They will come in easier than if they are strutting around a bunch of hens. It is pretty cool to watch a tom or two and a couple of jakes showing off around a bunch of hens, but frustrating as can be, because it is just about impossible to call them away. They seem to know that "A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush". But after the available hens have all been done, the toms still want more and will go looking for some stray. Toms are about the horniest damn critters there is. In areas with low hen populations they have been known to destroy new nests. The hens will sometimes cycle again and be receptive to breeding. One tom can breed many hens. A well managed hunting season may take a high percentage of the toms, but will have little effect on the # of hens that are bred.
Been chasin 'em when I can for 25 years.