Turkey Loads


New member
I am interested in making some turkey loads and getting some good patterns. We have had a few boxes of older heavy shot that has been absolute murder on turkey’s for years. Sadly I’m down to like 1 or 2 left and they don’t make it anymore. Anyone have recommendations? I’ve never personally loaded/reloaded, but my girlfriend’s father is going to teach me. He has done birdshot and such, but we are looking to go up since we both turkey hunt.

Oh...size is 3 inch.

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What was the old shot size and weight? Look up a load for that. Hodgdon's site has them.

I think it was 1 oz 1/4 number 4 (might have been 5). Thanks. Tbh I was younger when dad bought the box (just started shooting a 12). I haven’t looked in years. We don’t even pattern them to save the shells. I will use that. Thanks.

If you got any other load recommendations I wouldn’t mind looking around.

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