Turkey in WI


New member

I went to my buddy's farm near Eau Claire Thursday night.

Saw 7 turkeys in the fields... in the 10 minutes left of shooting time. (I was running late...)

Got up Friday morning, set up decoys 20 yards away... Sat down next to a tree, enjoying the predawn morning air...

Saw a Blur of white... couldn't tell what it was(Dark), until the deer stopped and lifted it's head.( less than 40 yards away...) COOL. Oh, wait... we are turkey hunting.

I called once, no response. Listened to ducks call as they flew to breakfast...

Heard gobbles over the hill....called again... Nothing moving closer.

Time check... 5 45 AM...

I was just starting to think I was going to have to move over the hill, or somewhere... when a crow flew over the woods to the south, Called, and a gobble came from the top of the hill.

OK, I am NOT moving now. Lifted gun, called softly using a box call and a slate.

About two minutes later I saw two heads over the hay, they both had beards. Came straight toward the decoys,
I took the shotgun off safe when the birds were about 60 yards away, the larger one stayed in strut from there to 1 yard away from the decoy. I said PUTT and the smaller bird looked at me, the large one kept strutting.

I said hey (as in "wanna go for a ride in my truck?") and the bigger one finally came out of strut,

And fell like I hit him with a hammer. (12g 3", 2 oz of number 6's actually) the other bird stood there.

Time check 6:22 AM

I walked back up to the house and said I got cold. My buddies wife said she heard the gun, show her the turkey.
She watches kids (Daycare) and they all wanted to see the bird. (bigger than some 3 year kids) I gave them each a feather.

The registration station said 10 inch beard, 21 lbs,
I an certain it was a two year old, but it is my first longbeard, and I didn't get a bird the last two years, so I am pretty happy.

He had a least three broken tailfeathers, and had squared off almost all his wingfeathers. I guess they have been fighting.

Can't wait to go back.

Nice to hear your hunt was successful. Mine was too. But already read that.

I'm bummed because the season is almost over and I can't sneak away.

The good news is a pastor at my church knows a pastor up in the heaviest turkey population county in the state, Eastern Wash, so I should get a good line on some good spots next season.
