Turkey hunting.


New member
I may be turkey hunting in a couple weeks and I've got a couple questions.

I have full real tree AP camo head to toe, do you need all of that for turkey?

I'm using a Benelli Nova in MAX 4, will the different camo pattern scare them off?

What choke should I use? Should I get the hevi shot choke if I'm using hevi shot?

What shot size is a good shot size?

2 3/4, 3 or 3 1/2"?
Yes, you need full camo...

head to toe.

Turkeys don't have an acute sense of smell, like deer.

Their hearing is pretty good.

But their eye sight is extremely good.

Having a different pattern of camo on your shotgun is not a problem.

Be very still. Don't blink! Sit with your back up against some kind of natural background that breaks up your outline - tree, bush, etc.

Xtra full choke, #5 shot, use whatever length of shell patterns best in your gun. Often the 2 3/4 inch shell does as good or better than the longer shells. The only way to find out which works best for you is to pattern them in your gun.

Good luck - have fun, be safe.

P.S. Don't forget camo gloves and face.
Major Dave pretty much summed things up.

One more thing about their eye sight. A turkey has just as good peripheral vision as they do looking straight ahead. Too,they have can see almost totally around their head. There's only a very,very small degree of angle they cannot see directly behind their head.
DO NOT move if you can see the turkey(or his friends). Only move if turkey(s) are behind a tree or some other obstacle. If you do, YOU WON'T GET ANOTHER CHANCE.

What choke should I use

Have used full to extra full 'specialty' turkey chokes.
Remember, if you go with the super extra full turkey chokes, the chances of missing the bird at close range is greatly increased.

Again, as Major Dave said, patterns your shotgun with different loads in 5,6,7 shot in either 2.75 or 3". Never saw the need for 3.5".

Sit your back up against some kind of natural background

Preferably a big tree. AFAIK, there are more turkey hunters shot then any other form of hunting. Your camo'd from head to toe, being very still and making turkey sounds. Have something solid behind you where you can't see.
Thanks for the help!
I'm a duck hunter and new to the turkey world.

I got a couple shells to test, I also ordered a jelly head Xtra full.

I was wondering, can I shoot hevi shot, or copper plated through the factory benelli full choke, no right? Cause they both are somewhat steel shot right?
Due to safety concerns, there are certain colors you should never have on when turkey hunting. Red, white,blue and black.

Your black sling 'could' be just enough black as when seen by an irresponsible hunter through brush, he could shoot at you. Remember, there are more turkey hunters shot by irresponsible hunters then any other hunting.
If it were me, I'd change my sling if for nothing else, my peace of mind.

A sling is a useful addition to a turkey gun, 'cause turkey hunting, in many cases IS walking. Chasing gobblers ridge to ridge, or toting gun, blind, bird, vest, etc, you get the idea.

But...I think a sling durng a set up is a liability. While tracking an incoming bird, I have visions of a dangling, swaying sling getting spotted by a bird and spoiling things. In setups where I have time, I detach my sling before I call.

I like #5 shot, lead, these days, after shooting # 6 for some time. I think #5 hits just a tad harder, and can break neck and skull bones a bit easier past 35 yds, than #6 can. And modern, high vel lead #5 patterns as well as the old 2oz #6 loads in my gun. so I didn't give up any pattern density. And once in a while, shots come up past 35. I read a pretty convincing study once about the energy in a #6 pellet and how it lost punch quickly. Lead #4 has always been to thin a pattern in my guns to use w/ confidence.

I cannot advise on hevishot on turkeys, I just won't pay $5 a shot. I bought some hevi "T" shot for coyotes, and was advised that a special hevi choke a good idea for that, but not sure about smaller pellets.