Tuckable IWBs are very flexible for concealed carry

Futo Inu

New member
For those of you who like IWB holsters, but who haven't tried or won't use "tuckable" IWBs because of the reduced reaction time in clearing the shirt first, consider the following.

I personally don't like any IWBs because they're uncomfortable and my belt has to be on a different setting. So most of the time I use a paddle holster. HOWEVER, I do have a Blade-Tech UCH tuckable for a G27 for carry under particular circumstances. My point is that this holster (and I suppose all tuckables, really) are very flexible in that you don't HAVE TO actually tuck the shirt in - you can wear them with the shirt tucked completely behind the holster, just like a normal IWB. This just occurred to me the other day when I found myself in a situation where this fact came in handy. I was wearing this gun/holster combo untucked, concealed only by my normal suit jacket all morning, for maximum quick access. But then I stopped in Braum's at noon for lunch. After I got my food, I wanted to take off my jacket to sit down and eat, so I picked a spot to sit at a table so that no one was sitting anywhere to my right. Then I just removed the jacket, sat down, and in one sly movement with my right hand, untucked my shirt from behind the holster and quickly re-tucked it in the tuckable slot of the holster. From my left side, it probably just looked like I was scratching my rear end. :) Point is - tuckables are very flexible if you are accustomed to the discomfort of an IWB.

[This message has been edited by Futo Inu (edited December 17, 1999).]
Thanks for the observation Futo. I have to agree with you.

One thing that might make your holster more comfortable is a heavy weight T shirt worn under it. The next thing that helps me is the angle the gun is at. I like the security of a stout belt and holster combination that keeps the weapon in the same possition at all times with some carry methods. But for the one you describe, I find it more comfortable to be able to shift the angle easily. What carries well while walking is not so comfortable an angle while sitting. When I step into my car or sit down, it is helpful to casually grab both sides of my belt looking as if I'm hiking up my pants as I sit. It doesn't draw unwanted attention. The only thing that it draws is my gun into a more comfortable horizontal possition.

I would guess that what I said is knowthing new to you. It sounds as if you've had plenty of experience with various IWB holster /belt combinations. I just hope my .o2c is a little help to someone.

PS: Another important issue to anyone who needs to know more about comfort is that of sharp edges. Any sharp edges/points on a holster or handgun worn IWB should be removed. I don't recommend removing front sights or hammer spurs, but a modest dehorning job can make life much more pleasant.


"But now, he that hath a purse, let him take it, and likewise his scrip; and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one." -Jesus Christ (Luke 22:36, see John 3:15-18)

[This message has been edited by EQUALIZER (edited December 16, 1999).]
I've been wearing a IWB for about 12 years. I think the key to a comfortable one is a custom maker like Kramer or Rosen (I haven't used the kydex, but it looks like it has promise).
Some years ago, I tried a Bianchi IWB (I forget the model) and it was TORTURE! I then took a chance and bought a Kramer #2 IWB for my Sig P220. When held up to the Bianchi, it looked very similar, same angles, belt loop size, etc. But, it was actually very comfortable. And after 6+ years of 18 hour days of carry, it hadn't softened or even had any visible wear. Also went thru several pistol courses with it. I've since retired it and got Kramer #2 when my PD went to Glock. Same comfort, wears like iron.
I think the key is to stay away from the big, mass produce companies like Bianchi, Safariland, etc., and bite the bullet and spend a few more bucks on a custom maker.
I've got experience with Greg Kramer, Mitch Rosen, Bladetech and Pierside and all are good. I got a bag full of Bianchi, Safariland, Galco that were uncomfortable and useless (but looked good in the store)that was money wasted.