TT33 (Tokarev) picture page updated

Please do. I couldn't recall Tuco's URL last night...

BTW, what's all that talk about "feed lips built into the frame"? The design seemed conventional to me.
All your Tokarevs are belong to us!

(Sorry! That's the first time I've done that for a couple of months.)
Dripping Saliva! Drip Drip Drip

Man I wish I still had mine and I wish it looked as good that one. So much fun to shoot and Soooo concealable. Mine rusted real bad, I mean real bad. Cleaned it up, sold it cheap to a Nam vet that liked it and he said he had no problem with head shots out to 50 ft. so I guess it wasn't as bad as I thought. He was pretty scarey, I think he could be lethal at 50' with a rubber band and a paper clip. The thing that bugged me most about the tok is the little plug that goes in front of the recoil spring. damn thing could sure be easy to lose. great pictures -ddt
My refinished Tok is a half Russian (1940) and half Chiniese (?) Vintage, is not that accurate at all, but it does shoot, lower is pitted.

It will be on sale at the Hampton Coliseum in one of the booths by "BoB" of "Antique and Modern Repair" Gun smith fame ( good and cheap work!. Its goin for chump change!

I need to sell it to get one of those Polish Tokarev's.

What kind of accuracy can I expect from em' any how?
I just got one of the Polish Toks sold by SOG. I ended up ordering it with the two matching mags, so it cost me more than I'd planned on paying for it, but it is worth it. This gun is brand new, the bore is perfect and I am impressed with the Polish workmanship. I put a box of S&B ammo through it and it functioned perfectly and at 10 yards it will put five rounds into one hole. I haven't shot it at longer distance yet, and I haven't chronographed it either. I plan to do both when I go shooting next week. The only complaint I have is that cheesy safety they put on it behind the trigger. The Chinese Toks had the safety added to the same place your Russian one did. I like the Polish safety a little better, it's more inconspicuous.
from my understandings, Tokarevs are very hard to conceal. What method of concealent did you use. Also, if someone could tell me the thickness of this gun, I would appreciate it. Thanks for the help.
I just got out and shot my Polish T33. Very nice gun, excellent workmanship. However, the trigger is very heavy. Got to be a 20 lb. trigger...

[Edited by Gino on 05-06-2001 at 04:24 PM]
o-town, the '66 Chinese Type 51 Tok I have measures slightly less than 7/8" across the slide flats and an 1 3/16" across the widest part of the OEM grips. It's a whole lot "flater" than even a BHP.

[Edited by skevlar on 05-06-2001 at 05:57 PM]

Whoa. They really need a drooling smiley.
Now I want a TT33 more than ever (and let me tell ya, I already have a burning desire to collect Cold War milsup handguns...)
After handling this Tok I no longer want one. The retrofit safety is a travesty (could remove it) and the standard half-cock is a bit awkward (manual de-cocking needed). Further, the pistol points much too low for me. Too bad, it is thin and nicely made. French Mle.1935 in 7.62x25 would have been just perfect...
I agree, the safety sucked bad!

ease of concealment is relative to alot of things. What is good for me is probably not for the next guy. You definitely wouldn't want to shove it down the front of your jogging shorts, or wear it in your hat, or an ankle holster or anything like that.

I don't carry concealed but you can cover it up with a hanes tee shirt in the waist band of pants and I've got a manly American beer gut. It also fit inside most large coat pockets and especially well inside trench coat pockets without much of a signature at all. It is by far the slimmest pistol I've ever owned.

mine was ruskie with all matching numbers.

Things I didn't like in order:

the sorry pathetic excuse for a "safety" BLAH!,
someone got very angry and beat the hell out of the hammer mechanism that drops in(worked though),
the rollaway plug recoil spring plug,
the trigger was hard to master,
sights(didn't use em, didn't need em),
lots of crappy ammo out there for these guns.

Things I did like in order:

fun gun,
ergonomics(crude but effective),
hot round/penetration,
groups tight enough for some real fun(after getting used to the trigger),

I drool cause it looks sexy to me, It is not a tremendously outstanding gun in any catagory I can think of except penetration. If there were factory hollow points at the time I would have been very interested. -ddt