Trying to understand the point of over accessorizing your CCW.


New member
To each its own. I’m just trying to understand the mindset for those who feel the need to add accessories to their concealed carry firearm that makes it heavier and LESS concealable.

I currently have a a few firearms in my CCW rotation. The mains ones are a P365, LC9s, GX4. The main reason I choose these to carry are the size, capacity, and caliber. If my firearm is not light, comfortable, and easily concealable to carry, I simply wont carry it. Especially living in Florida where the majority of the year you are very lightly dressed.

I see many post where posters are posting pics of their conceal carry, and I have to scratch my head when I see someone post a pic of a full sized firearm equipped with an extended mag, an optics site, and a flashlight attached to the rail. Again, feel free to carry what you feel comfortable with, but with so many options available, why carry a pistol only to weigh it down and add accessories to make it less concealable. The only reason i can think of is that you may reside in a frequently cold climate where you’re over dressed to the point where you just prefer a larger weapon that makes it easier for you to conceal.

This is not a bash thread. I genuinely would like to know what about carrying these types of firearms appeal to you.
It's common for people to buy more expensive sporting goods or more expensive musical instruments or more expensive cars rather than take lessons and practice hard.

Marketing to lazyness works. Let's face it, there are small handguns that are over 100 years old that you could drop in your pocket right now and be done. How will you make money as a manufacturer when your product lasts 100 years?

If my purpose was simply to have a handgun, my natural point is fair enough and with a little practice I could take the sights off.

Now, a good little flashlight in my pocket is something I would use! But.. I am old.
I like my devices separate, not all bolted together like the biggest swiss army knife which manages to be bad at all it's functions.
You’re going into this saying it’s “over-accessorizing”. Have you considered that to the people adding those items they don’t consider it over-accessorizing?

I have an optic on my pistols, that includes pistols the size of a Glock 19 and even as small as a P365XL. The optics with a battery weigh 1.2 oz. Weight isn’t an issue here, imo. There is some added bulk on the top of the slide, but it doesn’t affect my comfort whether I carry 4 o’clock or appendix. I don’t find it makes a big impact on concealment either.

Why do I add an optic? I like with an optic how much more I can focus on the threat. Instead of aligning a front sight in a rear notch and aligning all of that on a target all I am doing is superimposing a dot directly on the target. It’s easier for me. I also wear glasses, and with my prescription I go from seeing the front sight very well and the target not very well to the reverse. Since seeing my target is important I want my glasses and using the red dot alleviates that front sight being blurry.

I often also carry with a light attached to the pistol. I tend to work/travel around locations where the lighting isn’t always great and I’m often out at night. I have a handheld light as well (I carry that more than anything), but a smaller light such as the Streamlight TLR-7 doesn’t change the footprint of my holster much so carrying with the light doesn’t really change my comfort level dramatically, though I have holsters that aren’t set up for weapon lights and sometimes I don’t carry with one attached. I’ve taken multiple low-light courses where I used a handheld and then a weapon mounted light and though there are some concerns that come with a weapon mounted light, I still like having it as an option, especially if for some reason I had to shoot one handed.

You mention that if a pistol isn’t light, comfortable, and easily concealable you won’t carry it. That’s fair. There are some people that choose to carry with more added to their pistol for whatever reasons. If they find they still carry with those additions that’s their call. We don’t all have to or want to carry the same thing. I find with concealed carry there is often a tendency to be judgmental, and I include myself in this. If someone carries more than us that person is paranoid or just following trends, if they carry less than us they’re unprepared. We all evaluate our own risk. We all have our own tolerances of what weight and size we’ll carry to deal with that risk. The “solutions” vary as much as the people.

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Threads that start like this always remind me of the George Carlin bit: anyone who drives slower than me is an idiot, anyone who drives faster than me is a maniac!

I too live in Florida (treasure coast) and alternate between mostly a G30S with a DeltaPoint Micro and sometimes a stock LCP II. I have no problem concealing either and I generally dress lightly, i.e. t-shirts and shorts. I'd love to put a light on either of them, but then I'd have to also get a new holster and put in the range time to get used to the new setup, that's all extra money I don't have. I see why people would want them though:
- lights to see/verify their target
- lasers to aid in accuracy (not for me though)
- extended mags (not for me either)

The fact other people may want those items doesn't bother me. I figure they must have a good reason for them.
From my perspective an optic takes up minimal space and in a sub compact gun it can be a real aid. I shot a red dot for the first time a few weeks back and it was a game changer. cut my group sizes more than in half.

as far a a light. I think lights are important. You need to be able to see what you are shooting at. With that said lights are lot more complicated to add. they really change the form factor of the gun and make holster selection a lot harder.

For me, I run a P365. I have large hands so I use the pinky extension on the 10rnd mag. the 12rnd mag is a hare too big IMHO. but I do carry a 12 or 15 as a backup mag.

I have carried everything from g17, to G19, to P226, to 1911 and a few more. They can all be done. some are easier than others. but I prefer the P365.
Can't say I've been able to tell a distinct weight difference in any of the pistols I've carried, RMR doesn't add any appreciable size difference..... I think for my purposes a mounted flashlight on my carry gun isn't really practical.

Just because something doesn't work for you doesn't mean its wrong.
It's common for people to buy more expensive sporting goods or more expensive musical instruments or more expensive cars rather than take lessons and practice hard.

But when you do both it works. I used to do a lot of triathlons where on the bike it is VERY easy to buy speed if you've got enough money. I did not by any means ride a cheap bike but there were hundreds of people whose wheels (just the wheels) cost more than my entire setup. The ones that put the money AND the effort into it? They typically made the podium. Yeah in the shooting world a lot of people try to buy accuracy without putting in the effort, but just as many people are putting in the effort and trying to ensure that their equipment is not the weak part of the equation.
I'm waiting for the P365XXXL. It should come with a 30 round drum mag, shoulder stock attachment and an underbarel grenade launcher.

I am not overly interested in a P365. I’ve shot one and while I respect what it offers I like getting my pinky on the grip and I’m used to carrying something a bit larger. I decided that if I was going to carry a P365 with the 12 rd magazines anyway then I would just get the XL as the added barrel length didn’t bother me and with the XL grip I had an easier time getting magazines to drop without getting caught on my hand. At the same time the P365XL is smaller than my Glock 19 and P320 Compact in such a way that I find that difference meaningful. I know there are others that don’t see the point of the XL, but for me I like it over the base P365. These designs only survive in the market if people buy them.

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Personally, I could not care less what another person is carrying.

My only must have on my EDC is a laser. I practice with and without it on all my carry guns.

I have more than one carry because one size does not fit all situations. When I'm in a suit or going to work, it's a KT & a NAA. When it's shorts & a t-shirt, it's a G26 & a KT. When going to the club in the middle of nowhere, it's a G17 with a 33 round mag & a KT. All of 'em have a laser - even the NAA.

That's my point - one size doesn't fit all. What one may think of as too accessorized might be minimum bare bones for self-defense.
"To each its own. I’m just trying to understand the mindset for those who feel the need to add accessories to their concealed carry firearm that makes it heavier and LESS concealable".

Well I figure it this way. Not my place to second guess the next guys choice of carry. Whatever trips their trigger is fine with me. I like plain and simple and most important reliable.


I also have the all stainless version and I seldom carry the additional magazines. This is what I am comfortable with and if the next person feels a need for more accessories on their choice of carry? Cool with me. I have no need to question their logic. Like I mentioned, whatever trips their trigger.

To each its own. I’m just trying to understand the mindset for those who feel the need to add accessories to their concealed carry firearm that makes it heavier and LESS concealable.

I currently have a a few firearms in my CCW rotation. The mains ones are a P365, LC9s, GX4. The main reason I choose these to carry are the size, capacity, and caliber. If my firearm is not light, comfortable, and easily concealable to carry, I simply wont carry it. Especially living in Florida where the majority of the year you are very lightly dressed.

I see many post where posters are posting pics of their conceal carry, and I have to scratch my head when I see someone post a pic of a full sized firearm equipped with an extended mag, an optics site, and a flashlight attached to the rail. Again, feel free to carry what you feel comfortable with, but with so many options available, why carry a pistol only to weigh it down and add accessories to make it less concealable. The only reason i can think of is that you may reside in a frequently cold climate where you’re over dressed to the point where you just prefer a larger weapon that makes it easier for you to conceal.

This is not a bash thread. I genuinely would like to know what about carrying these types of firearms appeal to you.
To brag, to be macho.

People need to ask themselves is the gun protecting you or you protecting the gun from being seen!!! I can imagine it must be so uncomfortable lugging the big piece around, you worry about being seen.

It's one thing that the job require carrying a gun, it's totally different for someone CC just for self defense. In the second case, how likely you encounter situation that need a gun? You end up mostly carrying without using. Only thing it does is distract you from enjoying the outing.
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Red dots make shooting moving targets and targets at distance substantially easier.
Lights make seeing targets easier in low light and at night (when a majority of bad things tend to happen).
Extended mags might be to help get a better grip on a small gun and/or have more ammo. (Personally, I want a pistol that I can get a full grip on, but no larger, for concealed carry.)
I'm in FL -concealing a Glock 19 size pistol is easy with a loose fit patterned untucked shirt.
Holster with claw that pushes grip toward body makes concealing a Glock 17 AIWB as easy as a Glock 19.
I decided to try a red dot on MOS Glock 34 and liked it so I've been carrying that.

Additional info: I've had concealed carry about 30 years, and can dress as I choose (retired).

Philosophy: Strive (try) to carry a handgun you would prefer in hand to defend yourself anywhere, everywhere. That's what I do.
To brag, to be macho.

People need to ask themselves is the gun protecting you or you protecting the gun from being seen!!! I can imagine it must be so uncomfortable lugging the big piece around, you worry about being seen.

Worrying about being seen is indicative of a lack of training or a lack of confidence in your equipment or both. I carry a full sized pistol with a red dot, absolutely nothing macho about it nor is it bragging about anything, and I have no worries about printing both because I dress appropriately and I just honestly don't care if someone notices a little bulge in my shirt. A quality belt and a quality holster go a long way as far as comfort is concerned too.
Worrying about being seen is indicative of a lack of training or a lack of confidence in your equipment or both. I carry a full sized pistol with a red dot, absolutely nothing macho about it nor is it bragging about anything, and I have no worries about printing both because I dress appropriately and I just honestly don't care if someone notices a little bulge in my shirt. A quality belt and a quality holster go a long way as far as comfort is concerned too.
Maybe it's different where you are. I went to gun range every weekend for years shooting 25yds. We saw so many of those dressing camouflage, big guns, talk loud, bang bang bang. They didn't even have to go change the target as it's still very clean!!! We called them "Camouflage"!!! Always joke about those people. Never seen an exception yet. Maybe those camouflage are better today!!!

Maybe your state is more relax, Kalifornia has straight gun law, you get caught CCW without a permit, you'll be in big trouble. They are going to make an example out of you.
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Maybe your state is more relax, Kalifornia has straight gun law, you get caught CCW without a permit, you'll be in big trouble. They are going to make an example out of you.

If you are carrying without a permit in a state that requires one you've got bigger concerns than what other people are carrying.
If you are carrying without a permit in a state that requires one you've got bigger concerns than what other people are carrying.
I am not carrying, I am consider applying for one. Still, I would carry something small and light. Something like my Walther PPKS. No matter how good the holster is, it's bulky carrying a big gun, I want to sit back are relax, not having a huge piece on my back. It's so uncomfortable. That goes back to my original post, if the job requires, you have no choice. But if it is for self defense, unless you consistently going into a bad neighborhood, why carrying so much fire power? I have my Glock 26 if I really need it, but for regular going out, for what?

I've been there, done that. Long time ago, I started carrying a big one, it just kept going smaller and smaller, and finally not even carrying it anymore. I spent more time protecting the gun rather the gun protecting me.
How large of a carry piece and how accessorized it is, does depend on the locale. People in Chicago, for example, will get rather nervous if they notice someone carrying - regardless of legal or not. Some may even call the cops on a legal CCL holder. The further away from Chicago one gets, the less people care about printing, even if it is Illinois.
What amazes me now days is on the internet, anyway, I see a lot of YouTube people, packing fairly large handguns, mostly 9mm, with light, and optic sight, in a pelvic holster under a tee shirt. That's great if you can do it. But I also, believe that a whole bunch of them are getting paid to promote all of this stuff. Companies need to advertise, and they have about managed to convince us, that all of these accessories are required, so you will feel compelled to spend a lot of hard cash, to acquire them.

Of course, companies love to sell us all manner of small pocket guns, too. They keep coming out with the latest and greatest of these, also.

Me, I have tried a fair amount of this stuff, and I keep coming back to a few tried and true pistols, all with iron sights. I carry a Colt Lightweight Commander in a Milt Sparks strong side holster, most of the time, but sometimes it's a Glock 19x or model 22, and if I feel the need to go smaller, I drop down to a Smith and Wesson Shield, and or stuff a J-frame 38 in my pants or coat pocket. I have others, but that covers 95% of my carry needs.

A good holster is about as important as the choice of gun you choose. I have found that I can carry the Colt Lightweight Commander in a Milt Sparks IWB holster, under a light shirt, nearly anywhere, even nonpermissive environments, about as easily as anything else. The Glocks except for the slim ones are a little harder for me to conceal. The J-frame of course is fairly easy to conceal.