trying to join the army afew ?s

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admin I am not sure if this is the proper place or forum for this but I value the opinions of people here.I am in the process of joining the army but I have afew questions that I am hoping can be answered.I get as much info that I can from my recruiter but I would like a little non biased info from fellow TFL members.I am 25 and not nearly as fit as I was at 19 so I am alittle worried about not making the minimum APFTscores.from what I understand is if you do not pass you get recycled and start boot all over again.How many actually dont pass that you have seen?Its not that I am that bad but I have had to cut weight drastically to make the min weight requirement.I am 5 10 and the current max is 192. 7 weeks ago when I walked into the recruiters I was at 241,now I am at about 196.I lost about 45 pounds in 7 weeks by counting calories and eating about 1200 a day with many small meals.Unfortunatley I lost alot of muscle as well and I am at a fraction of my strength and work very long hours so I can only work out a little a week.I will be going to san diego in a week or two as soon as I make weight and picking my mos.I was thinking 11b or 11c.What do you guys recomend or should I just go in as a 11x and let them pick.I also have some interest in jump school if possible and would like feedback on that as well.thanks for the info
To be perfectly honest I was career Navy not army. My son was a lifer in the army. If your have lost muscle in your endevor to join I would suggest you wait until you can put the muscle back on your going to need it. If you want jump school your really going to need it. If possible get in the best condition possible before you ship out.
I wish that were a option but I work such long hours its nearly impossible for me to really put the time in that would be needed to get back up to par and I honestly dont want to wait another 4 to 6 months to do my part.I read that if you join as a 11x which is basically infantry/undecided position you do a all in one 17 week course that contains basic and advanced individual training untill they decide to put you as a 11b or 11c.I was hoping to find out from someone how hard it is to meet the minimum APFT after basic and if 11x is a good choice.
KALIFORNIST, I'm really sorry, there is no place at TFL for this kind of discussion.

Can I reccommend that you log on to APS? It's kinda an off topic board set up by the crew of our sister site, The High Road. The folks over there will be happy to help you out.

As it is, it's off topic here... Semper Fi, dude!
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