try these, the next time you wanna' shoot trap...


they work and I mean really work!! :)

Slugo, my friend, are they significantly different from the old school Double-A 3-dram trap load? I wonder what makes them super -- stiffer wads, harder shot, or... ?
Yep, and if you need 1-1/8 oz to break a trap target, you need more practice...........:p

International trap targets are 50% harder and 50% faster, yet they use 24 grams, a little less than 7/8 oz.............;)
The only thing super about them is there is a $2 rebate and last I looked there were some in stock at my supplier.

As for breaking targets, I notices that the targets they are throwing at my local field need a cannon to break. At least for 16 yard trap.
If they are throwing those biodegradeable ones, you do -they are a little harder and many get dusted without breaking - those "good for the environment" targets destroy all vegetation unless you go back and treat the entire area with lime - worst invention ever
1 oz of 8's around 1200 - 1225 fps plenty for Trap targets from the 16 - 20 yd line...with a Modified choke.

I don't shoot a lot of Trap ...but even with bio-degradeable targets(which are crummy, I agree !! ) long as my scores stay between 92-96 out of 100, on 16 yd singles.... I'm happy with my load of 1oz 8's....( its not the shell, that cost me 4 - 8 targets ....its me !! )...

From the 16 - 20 yd line....I stay with the same shell and a Mod choke.
For 21-25 I stay with same shell ...and go to an Imp Mod choke.
At 26 and 27 yds ( and I have not earned my right to shoot from there by registered targets )...I go to a Full choke and still 1 oz ..but I do load 7.5's instead of 8's...( but when I go back beyond the 22 yd line or so, I let the game get into my head...and my scores suffer - but its not the shells...its lack of confidence - and practice ! )....

in my opinon.....
precisely ....( and some dumb luck maybe ...) ...who knows...

I used to shoot a lot of 1 1/8 oz loads...( before I knew better ! ).
The other side of this the role that recoil plays in your scores. As the days go on ...especially in a 2, 3, or 4 day tournament...and you're shooting 200 targets or more a day....( and I'm 6'5" and 290 lbs...) its not that I can't stand up against the recoil ...but recoil is cumulative ....and I think it really shows up on the 3rd and 4th day you get tired / and it costs you a few targets.

I think its even a bigger factor in sporting clays tournaments...where you need to think your way thru the course ...and read the targets. Heat, humidity, how tired you are...really take a toll...after a couple of days ....
and you shoot a 96 in the men's division in Trap'll get beat by the junior shooter under 12 ...and the senior ladies over 60..../ and 60% or more of the guys in the men's division --- 96 out of 100 in Trap ....means all you're doing is making a donation to the cash prize pool..../ 92 will get you laughed off the fields...:D
They hurt and I mean really hurt.
Although, that's about what I used to use shooting trap, when I was young and tough.
But now - er, no thanks.