Truncated Cone and Semi Wad cutter


New member
I am buying my gear to start casting, and looking to buy a mold. To me the Truncated cone and Semi Wad cutter look the same. Can you tell me the difference and why a guy would pick one over the other?

Nose shapes

Here`s a pic of some of the bullets I cast


The trunicated 1 is 2nd from the left ,the rest are swc or rnfp

The trunicated is usually reserved for auto loaders but not entirely & auto loaders can shoot swc designs ,according to ramp angles & polishing .

I use the trunicated for speed loaders, it helps to have a pointed bullet stuffin 6 at the time !!!
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SWC has a front drive band at the base of the nose in order to help with the "paper-punch" effect of a clean, round hole like the WC was meant for. A truncated cone has no lip transition between the nose and the body.


SWC---nose angles down into a sharp lip of the front drive band. Cuts a nice hole in paper and is a bit more "attractive" than a soup can to some. makes a nice general-purpose target load.


TC---no lip, just straight transition from nose to bullet body. Less drag through the air, but not a clean round hole in paper.
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why a guy would pick one over the other?
The problem I have with the Lyman 121 truncated cone is that they are difficult (for me), to get a grip on to use in the hand loading process. The cone is angled enough that they slip from my opposing fingers.
You guys are all right!

Thanks, i tried searching it but my google-fu was lacking. I am shooting .40 and I will try the SWC first. Bought my first WW today. .50 cents a pound from the scrap yard and they came with a bucket (you can't have to many 5 gal buckets!). Never really thought about how much would fit into a bucket, but this was half full and weight 74 pounds.

Thanks again,
I started loading for .40 first also....and I got the TC mold...not legitimate reason...other than the fact that I like the looks of the ammo when finished with the TC over the SWC.
^^^Right there with ya---I don't give a hoot how cleanly round my holes are on the paper--so long as there are holes on the paper :D. I just like the look of the TC better. Funny how that works, isn't it?
Some guns will not reliably feed SWC but will eat TC all day long. In contrast any gun that will feed SWC will run just about anything. I would by a box, load a few and try them before I spent the $ on a mold.
TC it is!

Thanks again guys. I figure I will go with the TC based on your comments and I do like the look of them better as well. I will buy a box of SWC and see if she can handle them, but I have never seen them for sale before.

Looks like it will be after the new year before I get my allowance back to buy the rest of my gear.
