Trump on Hardball at Penn State...


New member
A student asked him if he supports the Second Amemdment. He stated as long as bad guys have guns, he supports us good guys being armed.
He doesn't have a clue as to why the Second was written into the Bill of Rights. Typical!
Didn't hear it so I am not really sure, but judging from what I do know about him, I believe he is making a typical noncomittal public statement. I think that that is about as strong a show of support for gun ownership as any political hopeful will give. You can't really tell where he stands from his answer. He seems to support gun ownership, thus appeasing some of the gun owners but does not make a strong case and so plays both sides against the middle.Avoiding the 2nd A and framing his reply as a self defense/ safety issue is about the only progun answer that some of the uneducated sheeple would accept as tolerable. The educated know it is a power, not a safety issue. I think "the Donald" understands power as well as or better than most people in this country, and doesn't want to alienate anybody while in this "possible candidate" stage.