True Story

Kentucky Rifle

New member
This happened before carry laws were enacted.
My room-mate from school was a fine man. He was a good shot. We were on the rifle team and we spent many hours at the range. He married a wonderful woman. She quickly became a good friend also. They were invited to come to Florida to visit some of her relatives. It was their first vacation and they had been married less than a year. They decided to drive from Richmond Ky. to Key West Fla. They were excited about the trip, so instead of stopping at a motel for the night, they decided to drive straight through. Early in the morning while on the road a pickup truck started ramming them from behind. The truck forced my friends' smaller car off the side of the road. My friend got out of his car to try and talk to the truck driver but as he walked up to the truck the drunk, angry driver jumped out and slit his throat with a hunting knife. He then sped away. My friend fell on the hood of his car. His wife told me he died in about three or four minutes. This happened near the Jonesboro Ga. exit on the highway. The driver of the truck was turned in to the police the next day by his own father after he had found my friends' blood on the truck. The killer was executed after years on death row. I don't know for sure if the .38 caliber Smith&Wesson that my friend had left at home because he knew it was illegal to carry across state lines would have made any difference as to the outcome, but I think that it would have.
I posted this true story in hopes someone could use it as an example when trying to convince the anti-gun crowd of the truth of the matter. However, when I told this story to a group of anti's they said. "So what...even if your friend had his gun with him the result would have been the same, one dead person." They wouldn't be convinced of the difference between legitimate self-defense and cold-blooded murder.

Will,Sorry to hear about your buddy,thats terrible!.......I wonder what those antis would say if it was their good freind,son father who was murdered.....3D
I will repeat what I have said many times: Gun control advocates are not in any way concerned about crime except when fear of crime can serve their ends. They hate and fear guns. Period. Some because they are so morally confused that they cannot make a distinction between a person and an instrument.

Others want one man, one party rule and recognize that they can never establish a dictatorship as long as the American people have guns.

Still others are "Liberal Racists" who will not admit that they hate and fear blacks, so they use code words like "criminals" and "inner city". Everyone on the "inside" knows that disarming criminals or keeping guns out of the "inner city" means denying black Americans their rights. (Note - GCA 68 was not passed in response to the killings of RFK and MLK; it was passed in response to the riots that followed, to make sure that the "dealer met the buyer face to face" and could refuse to sell to blacks when ordered to do so.

When a British Labour Member of Parliament was asked how handgun confiscation would affect the estimated 2.5 million illegal handguns in Britain, he replied, "We aren't worried about those guns, they are in the hands of criminals."


[This message has been edited by Jim Keenan (edited July 13, 1999).]
Jim; I never heard that explanation of GCA 68. Do you think the current NAACP leadership realizes that they were thus deprived of their civil rights? If so I would expect them to be demanding its repeal. At least the parts that refer to them.

Better days to be,


[This message has been edited by Ed Brunner (edited July 13, 1999).]
One dead person? ONE DEAD PERSON!!??

[insert sound of screaming and labored breathing here]

I gotta go.

Same Shot, Different Day

[This message has been edited by SameShot (edited July 13, 1999).]
Jim Keenan your right on ! It's disgusting how the anti groups disregard all sense of reason or fact when it's not to their liking.

One brandishment of a firearm, yes,
with a statistically consistent 98% probability of no shots fired.

I know. Logic is useless.

If your room-mate had his gun on him, despite the law, he could have shot his assailant, which would have saved his life and also saved we taxpayers the tens of thousands it cost to sustain the BG's pathetic life as he waited to be executed.

I think it is incredibly sad that there are those out there that would disarm us. It would be true justice if they met a similar demise, because the law they helped pass forced them to go about unarmed.
Hmmm, anti's can't add either.
1 murdered + 1 executed = 2 dead
Assuming I remember my first grade math. Of course, maybe they don't consider the executed man as dead, since he wouldn't be part of the firearm fatality statistics. But considering their use of statistics (43x, etc.) it shouldn't surprise me that they can't add.

If somebody told me in no uncertain terms that it was okay with them that my friend/family member's life was worth less than someone who was trying to kill them, they might have a problem on their hands...I wonder how much they value their own? Would they surrender their lives to someone who was trying to kill them even if they had the means to stop their assailant (either way it's one person dead)? If they feel that way, maybe the gene pool is better off without them.


Beginner barbarians probably had the idea that every house they broke into would be full of untouched loot and frightened, unarmed victims. It just doesn't work that way, my friend.
When our creator showered earth with common sense the anti's put up their umbrellas. The rest of us just soaked it.
Will, I am glad that you finally got in here! I think that is so sad that someone could actually say that, sad that anyone can even think that! I am sure they would feel different if the tables were turned!