True story about a really stupid guy.


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This is a true story concerning something that occured less than six hours ago. I work as a Cop in a small upstate NY city. I was on patrol with my partner in a nice quite residental neighberhood, he was driving. At about 4:00am we saw a well dressed (but obviously drunk) young man walking on the sidewalk, barefoot, with his shoes in his hands. This struck me as a little unusual since it was about 20 degrees outside with about four inches of snow on the ground. We stopped the car and he approached the passenger side window. He stated that he had gone out drinking with some friends and that he had become seperated from them. He went on to say that he was not from the area, and asked for directions to an address on Main St. When asked about he shoes, he stated that they were too small and were hurting his feet.
At this point I exited the vehicle since I really hate when people I don't know come up to the car and talk to me through the window. I feel it puts me at a huge tactical disadvantage if something happens.
About this time a call came over the radio about an attempted robbery which had previously occured about three blocks away.
My partner radioed in that we were out with a male subject in that area and asked for a discription of the perps. The victim gave an extremly vauge discription of four white males that had approached her in front of her home and demanded money from her.
I asked the kid if he knew anything about the incident, he said "No". I asked him if he had seen anyone else out and about, again he said "no". I asked him for his ID and he told me he didn't have his wallet with him.
At this point another unit arrived on scene and I told the male to stand by the car with his palms on the trunk and not to move. I must say that at this point I really didn't think the guy was a suspect. He was very polite, friendly, and didn't seem at all nervous.
My partner watched the male while I briefed the arriving officers on what was going on. One of the guys asked me if this was one of the guys we were looking for. I told them I didn't think so. They had been assigned to investigate the robbery so one of the guys approached the male and began questioning him. Some of his answers didn't make a lot of sense, so we all started to get a little suspicious.
At this point it seemed that we had enough on the guy to search him. One of the guys asked him if he had anything on his person he wasn't supposed to have. The kid just shook his head and said "Man, you guys are gonna be p***ed". Hearing that, myself and another told him not to move and started patting him down. Wen my fellow officer started checking the guys front pockets he simultainiously tried to pull away and reached for something that was stuck down the front of his pants.
We all piled on the guy and he wound up face down in a snow bank. We cuffed the kid and rolled him over on his back. One of the guys pulled up the front of his suit coat to revale a pistol butt sticking out of the front of his pants "Gangsta Style". Someone said "Oh S**t!", or something like that. Then we saw the little wing-nut thing sticking out of the mag well. It was a pellet pistol. The gun looked just like a Colt Commander. Right down to the skeletonized hammer. It even had a light rail. It didn't have an orange muzzle.
Since the other unit needed to return to the scene to talk with the victim, my partner and I agreed to transport the suspect to the station. We later found out that he had urinated in his pants during the scuffle.
On the way back to the station the guy said "Can I ask you something?". I said "sure". He said " I'm on the hire list for the NYPD, is this going to affect my chances of getting hired?" I said "You can bet on it". Then he said "Oh well, I hear there giving the test for NYFD in a few months, maybe I'll try that". Oh Well, Merry Christmas Everyone!

Good story. What's this guy doing with a pellet pistol in his pants anyway?

You guys see all sorts of odd stuff...
Drunk, stupid, armed with a pellet pistol (concealed) and on the hire list for NYPD. Somebody dropped the ball. My first thought would have been GUN! and he would have been on another waiting list. I lost a good childhood friend and brother officer on 19 December, 1972.
They had a show about 'COPS' on VH1 - nothing beats truck driver tranny or the woman flagging down a car to complain about her drug buy and wanting her money back.

Good story. What's this guy doing with a pellet pistol in his pants anyway?

Up here you do that when you want to shoot a rabbit, but need to cross the open area between the house and the garden so the neighbors do not see you.