True, funny crime story


Moderator Emeritus
This happened locally...
The other day a man stole a Jeep Cherokee from an auto repair shop. The vehicle had been repaired and was waiting for the owner to come in. The guy takes off, so the mechanic calls the cops and the cops nail him about 2 miles away.
They search the car and find over 300 pieces of stolen mail. They take the Jeep back to the shop and wait for the owner...he comes in suspecting nothing and they arrest him too

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
I read the dumb crook stories in the gun magazines, on the internet, the Darwin Awards, and listen to stories on the news and just can't understand how people who are so stupid can live to adulthood. What gives? The odds are against anyone that stupid living beyond childhood are astronomical. What's that saying, God watches over children and fools or something like that. Must definately be true.
Republic Thunderbolt: the url does not work sorry to say. :(

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum
"If there be treachery, let there be jehad!"

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Man Tries To Rob German Bank That Had Moved
4:59 p.m. ET (2104 GMT) September 15, 1999

DRESDEN, Germany — A man who tried to rob a bank in the eastern German city of Dresden Wednesday fled empty-handed after being told the bank moved out of its old premises several days earlier.

Police said the would-be bandit entered the offices wearing a mask and carrying a gun. He was told by several people working there that the bank had moved out.

"He was completely amazed and then fled,'' a police spokesman said.[/quote]

CCW for Ohio action site.
LOL, Hal! That's great! How pathetic though. That idiot (and the one DC posted) are unfortunately the rule, rather than the exception, in today's society, Im afraid.

"...What will you do without freedom? Will you fight?... Fight, and you may die, run and you'll live, at least a while. And dying, many years from now, would you be willing to trade all the days from this day to that, for just one chance, to tell our enemies, that they may take our lives, but they'll never take our FREEDOM!!!"
je suis prest
George-- (drinking at work! for shame...)
No, it's not at all amazing these people made it to adulthood. That's the whole point of the Darwin Awards-- the world is set up such that you can grow up without a skill in your repertoire. You can pass school without reading. You can be fed, clothed, and housed without working. One will be brought up by this society until he is old enough to breed, and then, due to lack of sense, one can breed and breed and breed, and will, after all, because (a) One doesn't know how to stop his acts of heidonism from resulting in progeny, (b), One doesn't care that one is incapable and un-prepared (and unwilling) to take care of his resultant offspring-- after all, society brought ME up, right?

It is in such a manner that we set it up for the idiots to dominate the planet in short order. I had just such an individual argue that this wasn't true, the other day, because the average I.Q. score was not falling. I had to explain that 100 is the average, and thus it's scaled to whatever the sample was in the study. The only way to really tell would be to keep a benchmark. Shoot, ceteris paribus, if DC had scored a 140 on her IQ 20 years ago, she'd probably score a 150 today!


Will you, too, be one who stands in the gap?