Trouble with local CLEO signing off?

Itchy Llama

Has anyone had an issue with local law enforcment signiture? How does one appeal if it's rejected?
The problem for me is living in a small town and not being ‘from around here’. It’s easier for the local Sheriff to give his wife’s second cousin the okay for a suppressor so he can poach the deer he has been illegally feeding in front yard then to sign off for a genuine firearms enthusiast from, ‘Up North.’
Any suggestions?
well, i moved south 1 yr. ago with 2 form 4 items (silencers). decided i wanted a sbr--went to local class 3 dealer and asked about leo sign offs--told me local sheriff--etc. etc wouldn't do it--i wasn't local--i didn;t even bother trying to pursue it. told him i'd build my own with a form 1 and trust--dealer said i couldn't do it--bull**** i told him--then he said i must know something about it. well, i'm 2.5 months into waiting for my stamp on a new build via my trust.:D
Forget about the CLEO and just do the trust as someone else recommended. Plus then you can add other people to your trust if you so wish who can legally have the NFA items.

However, I'd drop some $$$ to use a reputable lawyer (probably an oxymoron) rather than something off the internet.
Does having a trust ensure I will get my stamp or does it just cut out some of the BS?
Do I look for an NFA Trust Attorney or just an attorney that can do trusts?
The CLEO at your state level can sign, as can Local Judges. You can also have more than one residence in another jurisdiction.

The Trust is an option.
Do an online search of local nfa trust lawyers. If you live by a major metro area, you should find someone who specializes or is very familiar with these trusts.
It’s easier for the local Sheriff to give his wife’s second cousin the okay for a suppressor so he can poach the deer he has been illegally feeding in front yard then to sign off for a genuine firearms enthusiast from, ‘Up North.’

Stating fact there, or just your notion of how rural law enforcement works?
The CLEO can play favorites with sign-offs; there's nothing stopping him from doing this (legally) other than not getting re-elected.

NFA is a stupid series of laws. I never can understand why so many gun owners are content with having Congress draft up gun laws they don't think will effect them. They end up passing stupid, unfair, laws that arbitrarily favor some and not others.
Would building a SBS have to signed off by local sherif, just like buying one? If so, I may be in a similar situation. I lived here all my life, but there's some distant family members that have had several run in's with the law with the same last name.
Without a trust, can others shoot the weapon as long as I'm there? What about my wife? If I don't use a trust will I have to keep the gun locked up while I'm not home?
The CLEO signature is going away, the new proposals are on govment websites for public review now. Unless the public tosses a fit the changes will go through.