Trouble with Bryan Avery (

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New member
Hi folks!

After reading about the Photon Micro-Lights, including some nice comments
about Bryan Avery, I ordered $250 dollars worth of them as Xmas gifts.

He said he sent them out on the 11th, using Priority Mail, but I have not
received them. Not the biggest problem, but what is concerning me is that
Bryan will not return my phone calls, and I'm starting to worry.

He responded to one email saying they shipped on the 11th, but did not
respond to my request for a "tracking" of the shipment, and has not
responded to my phone calls over the last two days.

He seemed like a real nice guy on the phone, and I seen others speak well of
him, but I haven't gotten my lights yet, and his lack of response to my
phone calls is worrying me.

Just thought you all should know! I'll keep you all posted as this works
out! I'll start the VISA "dispute" process soon...


P.S. It's, sorry!

[This message has been edited by ThomasH (edited 12-18-98).]
I had the same problem with Sarco a few months back. Situation finally resolved when I got their local BBB involved.
Well Bryan finally did return my phone calls. (I have to wonder if the postings in these discussion boards helped!?)

It seems that he forgot to use insurance on my "Priority Mail" order, even though he says he usually does on such large orders, so he can't track it.

I suggested that therefore, since he is going to have to believe me about whether they arrived for a refund, perhaps he would be willing send me another order, and if the first order ever arrives, I will tell him and ship them back.

And (a very good sign) Byran is considering doing just that. He may even ship them "overnight" so I can distribute them before Xmas! If he does, be prepared for a new topic along the lines of "Great Service From Bryan Avery!!" If he doesn't...(evil threating newsgroup midi music here)...:-)

I'll keep you posted, one way or the other.

A happy ending, for me at least! Bryan really came through!! He sent a duplicate order, and used overnight delivery so I would have them today!! Absolutely fabulous!! I am going to start a new topic, "Great Service from Bryan Avery", but here's what will be in it, so you don't have to go there to read it (don't you _HATE_ that!). :-)


Great Service From Bryan Avery!! (

I was depending on a bunch of Photon Micro-Lights as my "main" Xmas presents
to my family. There are seven people to get gifts for, and as it turned out,
the seven available colors worked out perfectly, Mom's favorite color is
red, Dad's is turquoise, Jim likes green, Annette needs white for nursing,
etc. I wanted to get "lanyard style for every color, and get an extra
lanyard for the two that don't come with them (yet?), orange and turquoise.

I picked Bryan Avery Marketing, as he seemed like such a nice person over
the phone, had the best selection, the best web site, and seemed to be the
original distributor of these wicked cool lights, and I wanted to reward him
for bringing these to us all.

So I placed my $250 order (I bought a few others, too!), but they never
arrived! Bryan used US Priority Mail, but forgot to use insurance so they
would be "trackable"! So here we stood, I had paid for the lights, and Bryan
had sent them, but I didn't have them! And time was running out (I have to
mail them across the country)!

What to do!?! I talked to Bryan Friday, and he decided to mail me another
complete order (that's $250 dollars worth!), and use US Express Mail
(another $15) so they would get here Saturday morning! And all with no
charge to me!!!!

And at 10am Saturday, they arrived!! YAAHOOO! My Xmas is saved! Thank you
Bryan Avery! If the other order ever arrives I swear on my grandfather's
grave I will send them back to you. I'll even pay the postage back to you,
as honest a person as you deserves to be treated as you treated me! And I'm
sure I will be ordering more of these wonderful Micro-Lights, as soon as I
can make up excuses to have every color for myself and my friends.

Please folks, patronize, Bryan Avery Marketing. His
phone number is (541) 338-7194. I have nothing to do with his company other
than to wish it great success because of the fantastic service he provided
me. He sure seems like a really nice person, and I believe he was the first
to bring the Photon Micro-Light to the internet. He _deserves_ our money! :-)

Thomas Haller

Well it seems that things are working out for the better and the discussion has moved to ThomasH’s new thread “Great Service From Bryan Avery!! ( “. This being the case I am locking down this one so as to avoid redundant posting.
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