Trouble spots or "places to avoid"


New member
I know this has been covered before but I haven't seen it lately or in it's own thread, so here goes...

I carry virtually every chance I get but I can't always dress out like I'm going into Mogadishu. I also try really hard to avoid places where trouble is more likely than others. Here is a brief list of places that I try to avoid based solely on my perception of safety and past news accounts.

Walk-up ATMs or any ATM after dark.
Banks on Friday.
Bad neighborhoods.
Liquor, package and convenience stores after dark.

What other places should be avoided whenever possible?
Big cities

And any place where the armed citizen is not welcome.
Trailer Parks (senior parks excepted)
Public Housing
Any part of town that has a high crime rate by zip code
Non-chain highway truck stops
John Farnham says if you are home in bed by 10:00 PM you miss most of the trouble. Look at the percent of drunk drivers on the freeways in the later hours. It skyrockets to about 10 to 30% in some areas.

Restaurants in isolated locations about closing time - lots of cash.

Meet the Press - host might have illegal weaponry - sorry! :D
John Farnham says if you are home in bed by 10:00 PM you miss most of the trouble.

Especially true on Friday and Saturday nights.

My particular county (like most of North Alabama) is dry but on premises bar sales are legal. This has led to a higher than normally fatality rate on the roads as people drive to bars, get drunk then drive home. By 8PM on most nights there are a number of weaving vehicles in the road.

Most violence takes place at home though.
+1 on bars, night clubs. Since I'm a life-long non-drinker, the only bars and clubs I've ever set foot into were while on duty, responding to fights. Otherwise, you'll not find me in such places. Pardon me if I don't get this quote verbatim, but I think it was the great Louis Awerbuck who said: "Don't go to stupid places, with stupid people, to do stupid things."
P.S.: Don't get so focused on places to avoid "after dark" that you forget that trouble can come to anyone, anywhere, at any time of day or night. There is much to be said for maintaining "Condition Yellow" at all times while out in public. Paranoid? No. Realistic!;)
In today's climate, . . . I try to avoid every place I can, . . . especially if I have never been there before.

You may ask why, . . . and it is simple, . . . if I stay home, mind my own business, keep the doors locked, . . . I stand a much better chance of "No Encounters".

At 68, . . . I like it that way.

But anyway, . . . no bars, no nightclubs, no casinos, no "7-11" type stores, local banks only, I am very wary of malls, and certain areas of certain cities and towns, . . . I totally avoid. If I have to go there, . . . I'm the red Liberty Jeep that rolls through the stop signs, . . . and will always turn on red to avoid having to wait very long at all for it to turn.

I also pull up and stop short of whoever is in front of me, . . . I leave an "exit" distance between me and the other guy.

Anyway, may God bless,
There are no "safe" places. Criminals and psychos are permitted to go anywhere they choose. The White House is filled with heavily armed Secret Service agents and people have fired through the windows and even crashed aircraft into it. "Safe" is a concept. It is a worthless concept.
banks/credit unions, ATMs, bars-nightclubs, streets-areas....

There are some good points here but I disagree with some of the statements. It is smart to avoid or pass thru; "bad areas" but as a security officer in a few of those places I can tell you honestly, a lot of the crime/incidents are started by people who are not from those places to start with. If you live or work in these places you see it firsthand. Some places get a unfair rap but others due draw in criminal acts or are what public officials call; "a criminal nuisence".
I tend to avoid banks or credit unions on Fridays(mostly the 1 or 2nd Fri). I also do not go out often to local bars, clubs or restaurants downtown, which is a serious crime problem where I live.
I'd also be careful in some metro area parks or outdoor areas. They have become havens for EDPs(emotional disturbed persons), homeless & aggressive panhandlers. A few urban areas have park rangers or bike patrol officers but they are not always around.
I get annoyed too by the long stretches of streets or roads with 0 street lighting. These streets are a easy target for a car-jacking or a ambush. The same goes for sidewalks or areas where plants or tree branches block the path.
This is no minor issue either. I once caught a strange guy hiding in the bushes & behind the hotel sign where I worked. I noticed him from the 2nd floor & contacted LE.

I really do not use ATMs that much. Debit cards & direct deposit have made life a lot easier(and safer).
I have to travel to El Paso fairly often. Unfortunately, the El Paso-Juarez area is a combat zone. I do not travel at night in any neighborhoo near the border. If I have to us a bank machine I will use one in a particular Safeway that is in a 'nice' part of town. I carry my LCP in any restaurant I go to and am very aware of what is going on when I go outside to get my car.
Single Six: Pardon me if I don't get this quote verbatim, but I think it was the great Louis Awerbuck who said: "Don't go to stupid places, with stupid people, to do stupid things."

I think you have the content correct. And while lots of trainers quote this maxim, John Farnam is generally credited as being the author.
I grew up working in one of the worst areas of Dallas, saw my first murder when I was 12, saw numerous bar fight beatings, fist fights, and people came in our store complaining of being robbed or harmed and requesting help. After school, I would often ride my bike from the good part of town to the bad part and then home after work. I really can't say that the part of town, the "bad part" was really the issue.
bad parts of town; true story....

As I posted, don't judge a area or community just because it's poor or low-end. Low wage earners are NOT criminals & want a safe, stable environment just like you.

In the late 2000s, I lived & worked at a extended stay hotel property in a mid size city. A group of "bail enforcement agents" came on the property to get a hotel room to set up a fugitive apprehension. The female bail agent kept making insults & condisending remarks about the area. I wanted the "Doggie possie" to leave ASAP & ask the general mgr not to give them a room.
The staff & I offered to help the bounty hunters get the bail-jumper. We waited for the young female to show up. When the female subject came into the hotel, I quietly alerted the bail agents. These morons bungled out of their room & the woman took off! I laughed my a** off at these inept jerks.
They brought the problems on property then screwed up.