Trouble cleaning Citadel barrel

chris in va

New member
Citadel, aka RIA...I’m shooting my usual powdercoated SWC and I generally have no issue with my CZ’s barrel, but this Citadel just refuses to come out with a clean patch. I alternate with Chore Boy copper but 20 patches later it’s still very dirty.

I’m using Hoppes, anything else that works better?
If it's the powder coating residue living in there like an uninvited set of inlaws...get some of the acetone you use to mix your PC...and soak, and I do mean SOAK the crap out of it with acetone and run it through the bore on a patch and give it time to work.

I had the same issue on my USP9 loved holding onto PC residue when I was using a lot of PC projos. It was the fix.
...get some of the acetone you use to mix your PC...

The two ways of applying powder coat I know of (powder coat gun, "shake and bake"), do not use any acetone...but use static electricity to apply (dry). What method of powder coating uses acetone?
Another idea would be to apply a generous amount of Kroil to the bore, and then, let it set for an hour to allow it to creep under any deposits. Use a brush followed by some patches.

Kroil works very well at loosening deposits, and it's the only thing I clean bores with...

I don't clean the bbl til I get a clean patch out of it. Not sure it would ever happen. When I look thru the bbl and it looks clean and shiny that's clean enough for me.
I was told by all the powder coaters that powder coated bullets didn't lead the barrel ... They didn't say a word about powder coating residue .

Mix up some Acetone and ATF 50 /50 and scrub the bore with that .
Thanks guys, I’ll try acetone. Weird thing is the patch comes out very dark, doesn’t look like powdercoating. My CZ barrel doesn’t do this.
I was told by all the powder coaters that powder coated bullets didn't lead the barrel ... They didn't say a word about powder coating residue .

I personally PC and I do not have an issue with either lead or PC residue. I’ve only tried HF red, which I think tends to flake off and effect accuracy more than some of the better PCs out there, but my barrels come clean in 5 minutes (usually less) with hoppes and a few strokes by a bore brush. Honestly it’s easier to clean that jacketed fouling for me. No fouling detected on the oil patch after just 3 or 4 minutes of brushing/swabbing out 95% of the time for me.

PC isn’t without its issues. I haven’t tried a lot of different things, but thus far I would describe accuracy as “serviceable.”
I really like Bore Tech Eliminator, best cleaner I have tried so far.
4 patches
4 patches
let it sit
dry patches, done...