Trotskyist heritage of the NeoConservatives

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Pat H

The Washington Post has done a beautiful job in illustrating the linkages of the NeoCons with the Trotskyists of the 1920's and later.

This illustrates why these "big government, world empire conservatives", "Project for the New American Century" operatives are not conservatives in any way. It also illustrates why the term "sociofascist" is also appropriate.


Click for a larger image.

How did you come to the conclusion that the messenger is bad, therefore the facts listed in the graphic are bad?

Which facts in the graphic are you disputing?
I'd be more interested in seeing a graphic tree of the neo-commie. That would help a lot of people see where we are headed.
The whole flow chart is fact. I'm not going to quote you each document relied upon to draw this chart, that would take up hundreds of pages. The books and papers written by those listed in the chart document the relationships.

Again, which fact listed in the chart is being disputed?
How did you come to the conclusion that the messenger is bad

Are you familiar with the phrase "Consider the source" ?

I guess the best analogy I can make is that you wouldn't peruse "The Daily Worker" (or the "People's Weekly World"), looking for articles extolling the virtures of capitalism, would you?
The graphic is idiotic. It takes a huge leap of logic to connect Trotsky to any of these people. If someone came up with a graphic showing the progression from Hitler or Franco to Ron Paul, would you swallow it whole? No, I didn't think so. What hogwash!
All of the connections shown in the graph are well known and well documented.

If someone showed me that Ron Paul had gone to Spain to study under Francisco Franco, then I'd say that there's a connection. Of course, Dr. Paul hasn't done that, so it's moot at best.

The connections are accurate, and again, well known.

Reference: They Knew They Were Right: The Rise of the Neocons by Jacob Heilbrunn.
Big words and esoteric political isms! It feels like first-year college poli sci class again. You know - the one where all the 19- and 20-year olds think they know everything there is to know about the universe.
Is Paul out of it yet?

I really don't care what branch of what tree any group came out of 80 years ago. I care what they are doing and propose to do now.
This thread is about the historical connections of the neoconservatives.

How they came from communism to create neoconservatism.

So an understanding can be gained, in order to resist neoconservatism, one must know where it came from and where it's going.
Total absolute BS. Did you even read the review, let alone the book that this is from? Also, why would we have to show that Paul knew Franco or Hitler. Much of the people in the graph are nor even contemporaries of Trotsky. We would only have to show that his anti-semitism or germ of anti-semitism had some relationship to those predecessors. Or we could that he is Trotskyite too because his libertarianism was somehow influenced by Ayn Rand who is also mentioned (pictured even) in the timeline. Even you must see how contrived and agenda driven this is.

All of the connections shown in the graph are well known and well documented.

If someone showed me that Ron Paul had gone to Spain to study under Francisco Franco, then I'd say that there's a connection. Of course, Dr. Paul hasn't done that, so it's moot at best.

The connections are accurate, and again, well known.

Reference: They Knew They Were Right: The Rise of the Neocons by Jacob Heilbrunn.
Umm, this thread isn't about Ron Paul in the slightest, why are you bringing his candidacy into it?

This thread is about neoconservative history.
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