trophy a dang car :(


New member
Well with gun season a meager few days away....and all scouting so far turning up small does and not one sizable buck on our hunting property, I was dismayed by this....

While I was at work this morning my wife texted me a picture of a 260# + 14 pointer...that had been hit by a car just a hour or two before she saw it, and left to rot :mad::(:(

she stopped on the way back from the store. someone had cut the antlers off, and according to her the base where they had been cut was just slightly smaller than a silver dollar in diameter...once again :(
if the car that hit the deer was going 60 mph I doubt that there was very little meat that would be any good. I have seen several deer that have been hit long the Platte that had pieces of grill sticking out of the deer. I think there are also games laws that at least require a salvage license in order to remove road kill otherwise you could be in trouble with the deer in your possession. In Nebraska the road department just pulls the roadkill into the road ditch and lets nature take care of the rest.
I recall a Field&Stream article from decades back which stated that Pennsylvania's hunter kill of deer was around 40,000 per year. The same amount was killed by cars.
you can say that again They can find me in a tree from 20 yards but can't see a loud car 5 feet away
Funny how those big bucks get wise to hunters but never do figure out how to cross the road.

I love it!

They can smell you from hundreds of yards, can hear a twig snap under your foot from across the field, but run across roads with reckless abandon.

Evolution taught them well on the first two, I guess we are still waiting on the third.
You need a license or police permit or something to harvest, and that includes the rack, in many locations.
I just returned from Utah.
About 10 dead ones, or more here and there on the side of the road.
4 that crossed just in front of me at 25 mph. I was able to stop.
At 70 mph I had two approach the road walking, look at my car, and stop.
These were two young ones. Maybe evolution is coming up with some with some road sense.
I believe nationwide there are 1.5 million vehicle/deer/elk? accidents yearly.

One of the dead ones I saw, a dog was gnawing on it. Somewhat rural area, so I don't know whether the dog was wild, or from a nearby house. But he was enjoying some raw venison. He was beige colored, so it was not really a wolf or anything.
I had a majestic 10 pointer run out in front of me today. I was on the entrance ramp getting ready to get on the highway. I live in the burbs and there are plenty of woods around so this guy will likely never feel any hunting pressure. If he can avoid getting hit, he'll be around a long time.

Speaking of getting hit, he was the biggest deer I've ever seen in person. So big in fact, I thought about gunning it instead of breaking and running him down in my brand new truck. I was quickly working out a plan on how to hit him, finish him off with my pocket knife, load him into my truck, bring him home, put one arrow through him and then off taxidermist I'd go.

Alias I realized that was a pretty stupid plan so I breaked. He was a damn nice deer though. I hope he learns to stay out of traffic however.