Trolling for more info on G34

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Futo Inu

New member
Handled one this weekend - felt good in the hand. Thinking of getting one, mainly for IDPA-type shooting, and possibly secondarily for vehicle carry. Have heard these negatives in the past:

1. Full-cap G17 mags don't fit unless slammed tight or a few hundredths removed from grip bottoms - true?

2. Accuracy good but not that good for the barrel length.

3. Factory adjustables suck - yeah we know, but they can be replaced with many choice aftermarkets (which one best for IDPA, btw?)

4. Some people don't like the extended mag release.

Any positives or negatives to add when comparing the G34 to the G17 for IDPA? (besides cost, which I know favors G17). Thanks.
G17 is a tad quicker from the holster. For IDPA style shooting I really don't think that the accuracy requirements are that stringent. However the G34 has less felt recoil. (I know, its only a 9mm, but...) Since I am lefthanded I cannot stand the new mag release on the G34. Sandpaper and elbow grease cured this. Oh yeah, Heinie Straight Eights rule. That is my $0.02.

"peace, love, joy, and happiness..."

[This message has been edited by tobeat1 (edited November 15, 1999).]
Lets see...Pre-ban mags aren't a good fit and require a slam or a frame trim. Answer: true. I trimmed my frame.
Not appreciably more accurate? Mine is much more accurate that G17 or G19.
Sights? I replaced them.
Extended mag release? I replaced it with a standard as well.

Personal weapons are what raised mankind out of the mud, and the rifle is the queen of personal weapons. The possession of a good rifle, as well as the skill to use it well, truly makes a man the monarch of all he surveys.
-- Jeff Cooper, The Art of the Rifle
Dorsai is on the right track. My G34 is also much more accurate than my G17. No comparison with the triggers. The slide stop is an improvement but the mag release needs to be replaced if you have the most remote idea of carrying the weapon. High capacity mags and the ten rounders fit in my G34 with no problem. Sooner or later the sights have to be replaced but that is true on any new Glock. Dorsai is also right about the felt recoil. The G34 is the mildest recoiling Glock. On the other hand, if you shoot GSSF, the G17 is the way to go in stock class. Best of luck.
I haven't had a problem with my G17 hi-caps fitting at all.. The factory sights do need replacing, though. I don't carry the gun, so I am not worried about the extended magazine release being a problem. I see it as helpful, as well as the slide release. The accuracy is very good in my opinion, better than my G23 was...
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