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Trolling dealers?


New member
Just for reference, I did agree to the banner ads Rich asked about awhile ago.

However, a certain post caught my eye: http://www.thefiringline.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=135581

The second post in 2 weeks from this user, which was also a similar ad. As most of you realize, he/she's not the only one doing posts like these.

If you go for the banners, can we boot these bandwidth abusers? Makes the TFL Gunshow feel just a little trivial everytime I see posts like these. It ain't too bad if they stop by and have a chat while posting ads, but posting ads only is, well, robbery.

Just my $.02

BTW - Just a thought - if y'all decide to go for the banners, wouldn't letting dealers slip in regular freebie ads be unfair to your advertising space purchasers?
I visited the armalube website. Not much in the way of information or substantiation. Price? Let's say it would have to be pretty damn good to be twice or more the cost of FP-10, which it is.

Easy to tell the wheat from the chaff around here. The risk run by those with bad products or services is that they will be compared to the good ones represented here. Won't last long around here if you're not good value for the money!!!

Wouldn't want to lose the perspectives or the free samples of folks who legitimately want to be part of TFL.

y/t has a point though about banner advertisers.
Know what?
I think we'll let the Members handle this one. That doesn't mean Open Season. Do it as the Staff would....behind the scenes. Post neither the ensuing arguments or victories publicly.

Fair enough?
Thanks for the help.