Trivia: GoodGuy/BadGuy Guns

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Member In Memoriam
Ever notice how styles in weaponry change in movies/TV?
When I was a kid, the bad guys, if they were eastern big-town American gangsters, all used Colt Police Positive revolvers, which they carried without holsters in an inside coat pocket. Simpering lounge lizard murderers favored Colt .32 pocket autos, and ladies of questionable virtue always produced a nickeled Colt .25 from their jeweled evening purse, at some juncture. The Western GG's of course carried the Winchester and the Model P.
Evil foreign bad guys sported Mausers, Lugers, and the occasional P-38. All Japanese officers carried Lugers, not Nambus. U.S. Good Guys naturally used Army guns...big frame Colt revolvers and 1911's. Detective types universally favored the Colt Dick Special.
Lately, though, styles in weaponry have changed. The favorite BG gun, by my calculation is the Desert Eagle, or some other exotic. Who remembers the Lahti wielded by the cadaverous assassin in the James Stewart/Alfred Hitchcock film 'The Man Who Knew Too Much'? And of course, most gangsters today are equipped with at least an Uzi, while hardly any of the GG's use revolvers. The sole revolver GG was Dirty Harry, but even he switched to the AutoMag in his last film of the series.The style for both GG and BG today runs to high-cap crunchentickers: Berettas, Glocks and CZ clones; Walther PPKs' are popular with women and spies. Besides the almost exclusive use of the Desert Eagle by BG kingpins, has anyone spotted any other definite trends? slabsides

An armed man is a citizen; an unarmed man is a subject; a disarmed man is a slave.
Steven Segal uses a 1911 in his movies.
I can't begin to tell you what all was used in Tremors and Tremors 2. LOL

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum
"If there be treachery, let there be jehad!"
Geez, there's something for everyone on TV these days.

Xfiles has had Glocks, Sigs, Smiths, etc etc etc.

VIP: Twin Desert Eagles in shoulder holsters :D

SOF: IMHO, went from the most accurate to mediocre. Used to have Berettas, Sigs, H&K's, and what have you, now they just go for the eye candy: Sig's in .357, Beretta 92's for Margo, yadda yadda yadda.

NY Undercover, NYPD Blue: Glocks, and more Glocks

Law and Order: Glocks, Beretta's and the older cop carried a dinky revolver for a while.

The list goes on and on and on......


Kevin Jon Schlossberg
SysOp and Administrator for
Do't forget on NYPD Blue: Sipowitz (Dennis Franz) still carries his S&W Chief Special, and Detective Diane...( Kim Delaney)used to carry a K-Frame Smith. In case any are interested.
How 'bout that dinky revolver the bad guy standing alongside of Arsenio Hall had in "Harlem Nights?"

Exodus 22:2 -- Biblical precedent for home defense.
There was a Browning Hi Power in Matrix, used to good effect by "Switch."

Trinity - gotta love her... twin berretas...

"But I don't want to go among mad people," Alice remarked.
"Oh, you can't help that," said the Cat: "we're all mad here. I'm mad. You're mad."
"How do you know I'm mad?" said Alice.
"You must be," said the Cat, "or you wouldn't have come here."

My original television gun toting hero was Robert Urich as Dan Tanna on "Vegas". He carried a six inch blued Colt Python when he had a sportscoat and a four inch Python when he didn't. The Python also held a special place in my young heart as the gun that David Soul weilded so skillfully to beat Dirty Harry at the pistol competition in "Magnum Force". It's almost always portrayed as the choice of the gun savvy professional. I now own the four inch model.

Robert DeNero totes a 1911 at the beginning of the film and transitions to a SIG P-239 later in the film. Should have stayed with the 1911.

Since I'm Italian, I LOVE "Heat" with Robert DeNero and Al Pacino. Pacino totes a blued Colt Commander with ivory grips crossdraw style while DeNero carries a SIG P-220 in his waistband "Mexican Style" in the crossdraw position. Have to admit, I never really wanted a SIG till I saw "Heat".

All of Seagal's films are better with his ole blued 1911 in tow.

- Anthony
Seagal and his 1911's. Met his pilot one day, and he is as proficient with them in real life as in thew movies.
Paul B.
Actually, the twin gold plated guns in Face Off were Springfield 1911's.
Yes, I've heard that Seagal carries a cocked and locked 1911. Probably one of the few Hollywood stars who can somewhat demonstrate decent gun handling techniques on screen. BTW, I personally saw him in Paris two months ago, and that guy is HUGE! I'm sure not that many people would mess with him even if he didn't know aikido and pack heat. My girlfriend saw me standing next to him, and she said that he totally towered me (and I'm about 5'10"). She said I looked like a little kid standing next to him (he's about 6'4").
Gotta love those John Woo movies too (with Chow Yun Fat) The Killer and Hard Boiled. No matter how unrealistic they are, it's always entertaining (Chow Yun Fat with his Berettas).
I once read an article by a gunsmith that built 1911's for segal, in the article he claims that the guy is for real and one fine shot.....I just enjoy his movies...fubsy.
On "Walker Texas Ranger", the bad guys always use AR15 variants and Walker still wins. I think not!!!!

[This message has been edited by ATTICUS (edited August 18, 1999).]
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