Trivia Contest Winner...

Kicking up a fuss in the most "unlady like, sore loser manner." :D :D :D
I'll get you next time Mark!!!

Know what I did Geri? I threw away my paper and can't remember which one I missed. I think it was the Gerald Ford one.

I really had fun looking up all your questions. I hope you have a September contest.


[This message has been edited by LadydeeJ (edited September 02, 1999).]
Well sure, I have a wish list. And in fact, everything on your page is on it! What a coincidence! Not sure what size prize you like to give, but I'd like anything from a Carlos Hathcock baseball cap to Motorola talkabout.

I hate laws that make me a criminal without me even knowing it.
Connecticut is the "Constitution" State
I enjoy these contests, so yes... there will be a September one, and one in October, November, and so on. My husband says that I made August's too easy (do you agree?). What I would really like to see is some major competition going here.

4 eligible entries gave you a 25% chance of winning... good odds, huh?

othermark: those motorola specials might not last long... my supplier says they have to "review my offered pricing" because we may be too cheap. (!!) We'll hang on as long as we can.

How do y'all feel about a prize from an area other than BlackHawk, is that desireable? Maybe a SOG knife? (or Spiderco, Letherman, Kershaw, Gerber, Price Point?) So much stuff to add... so little time do do it.

Feedback appreciated. Thank you!
Geri Weaver

BlackHawk Authorized Dealer (BAD) - "Better than catalog" prices & free shipping
Easy? I was stumped on some of the questions. I can't speak for the "brainy guys" on TFL. I'm sure they could have answered most of them without any trouble. I, on the other hand, have to look everything up.

Hey Geri don't encourage them! 25% odds is pretty good! I might actually win something. :D :D :D
I only do STAR WARS trivia...

"The rage is relentless... We need a movement with a quickness.
You are a witness of change and to counteract - We gotta take the power back!"

The Critic formerly known as Kodiac
man, I can afford one talkabout, but not two. but none of my friends want to buy one, so I'd have no one to talk to! Oh, what a dilemma! Maybe I'll win saturday's powerball and then I could buy everything on your site!

I hate laws that make me a criminal without me even knowing it.
Connecticut is the "Constitution" State