Triumph of the Red-State Fascists

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Pat H

This is by one of my all time favorite authors of political and economic, scholarly articles, Lew Rockwell, president of a old right/libertarian (think Barry Goldwater) think tank in Auburn, Alabama. I think he's got the current Republican front runner well diagnosed.

Triumph of the Red-State Fascists

by Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.​

Every Republican I've spoken to is mystified that John McCain has sewn up the Republican nomination. For his entire career, he has been more statist on both domestic and foreign policy than even the typical Republican. He has been considered a "liberal," and not in a good sense. He doesn't share any of the values that are said to make up the Republican consensus on economics or culture or religion. His personal baggage is heavy and a mile long. He had no dedicated constituency within the party.

Of course I'm not talking to the run-of-the-mill Republican. There are vast hordes of these people who have never read a book and vote only by the most sordid political instinct known to man. McCain is their candidate. It comes down to one thing only: the simple-minded, unthinking impression that he is a war hero and, more than anyone else, has what it takes to smash the evil foreign peoples who want to kill us. In short, he appeals to the militaristic, nationalistic impulses of the base Republican base.

The real question is why that one issue would trump every other concern alive among Republicans. How is it that imperialist nationalism has come to trump every other issue?

Murray Rothbard used to tell the story of speaking to conservative and Republican audiences in the late 1950s and early 1960s. There would be large groups gathered for various talks on economics and politics. He would give a lecture on the problem of price controls, or protectionism, or high taxes. People really liked what he had to say. They would clap, and learn from his lecture.

Then he would sit down. At some point in the course of the conference, the appointed anti-communist speaker would rise to the podium. He would decry the evil of Russia and its atheistic system of government. He would call for beefing up nuclear weapons and hint darkly of the necessity of war. He would end with an apocalyptic statement about the need for everyone to completely dedicate themselves to eradicating the communists by any means necessary. No talk of limiting or cutting government; quite the opposite.

So how would these people, who clapped for Murray, respond to the warmonger? Insanely, wildly, uncontrollably. They would stand and scream and yell and cheer, getting up on their chairs and putting their hands together high in the air. The applause would go on for five minutes and more, and the speaker would be later mauled for autographs. His books would sell wildly.

Meanwhile, poor Murray would stand there in alarm. How could these same people cheer both a call for liberty and a call for empire, and, most notably, give their hearts over to the maniacal nationalist while being merely polite to a call for the same liberty that had led this party to oppose FDR's domestic and foreign-policy? It was experiences like these that led him to write the most important dissection of the Republican party ever to appear: The Betrayal of the American Right. It is here that Murray engages in a deep, soul-searching look at his own role in red-baiting in the 1950s. He had hoped to use the anti-communist movement to educate people about the need for freedom.

"It is clear that libertarians and Old Rightists, including myself, had made a great mistake in endorsing domestic red-baiting, a red-baiting that proved to be the major entering wedge for the complete transformation of the original right wing," writes Murray. Instead of supporting freedom, the anti-communist movement ended up acculturating Republicans to the imperial mindset. The moral priority of crushing a foreign government trumped every other issue.

At the same time, the libertarianism of the GOP's domestic agenda was supplanted by a belief that "big government and domestic statism were perfectly acceptable, provided that they were steeped in some sort of Burkean tradition and enjoyed a Christian framework." Fiery individualism and radicalism were replaced by a longing for a static, controlling elite of the European sort. Liberty was washed away.

That was fifty years ago. Today the same priorities abound on the right: first, nationalism and empire, and, second, longing for order in the domestic area. The switch from anti-communist militarism to anti-Islamic imperialism was not difficult. They took a chapter out of Orwell, and merely changed the name of the enemy.

All of this laid the groundwork for McCain. Each Republican presidential contender has been worse than the last: Nixon and Reagan felt the need to endorse some libertarian themes in their campaigns, and even the two Bushes used limited government and anti-big government rhetoric. But that has evaporated, replaced now by the most virulent jingoism combined with domestic statism.

Many of my Republican friends criticize McCain as a leftist. I can see the point. But we ought not be too quick to believe that all forms of anti-libertarian ideology are leftist. We need to recognize that there is a form of non-leftist statism of a very distinct kind. It is not socialist in the traditional sense. It believes in a corporate state, combined with protectionism and belligerence in foreign policy. The right-wing predecessors here are Mussolini, Franco, and Hitler, and the name of the ideology is fascism.

For more on this, see John T. Flynn's As We Go Marching. He listed some points of the fascist program. It is a form of social organization "in which the government acknowledges no restraint upon its powers," is managed by the "leadership principle," and in which "the government is organized to operate the capitalist system and enable it to function – under an immense bureaucracy." In fascism, "militarism is used as a conscious mechanism of government spending," and "imperialism is included as a policy inevitably flowing from militarism." "Wherever you find a nation using all of these devices," he wrote, "you will know that this is a fascist nation."

Republicans are prepared to push this agenda, altered to fit the American political context, in this election. Their number one tactic to retain power is impugning the patriotism of Barack Obama. It seems like a puzzle, but an opinion piece by William Kristol in the New York Times offers a clue into the basis of the Republican campaign. He first makes a big deal out of the fact that Obama used to wear an American flag pin on his coat, but now no longer does so. He drags this up as if to accuse him of disloyalty to the American cause.

It is hard to imagine a more brainless and low-level tactic than to harp on such things. It compares only to the periodic campaigns by Republicans on the issue of flag burning, as if whether a person burns a privately owned flag has any bearing at all on the well-being of the country. But then Kristol goes further into the depths of depravity by attempting to paint Obama's wife as guilty of treason for saying that she is proud of America "for the first time in my adult lifetime." By citing these words, he is implying that she is an America hater.

Now, what buttons is Kristol trying to push here? It is the now familiar fascist theme: loyalty to the nation state and its wars must be the first and only test of worthiness to serve in public office. Folks, this is a cloud no bigger than a man's hand that is very likely to mutate into a full storm. Sad to say, the Republican faithful, the same people that were stupid enough to vote for McCain, will probably go for it.

How I recall those heady days of the 1970s, when everyone said that the move of the neoconservatives into the Republican party portended a raising of the intellectual level. Quite the reverse. These people are taking things straight into the gutter, where they had already been tending since the late 1950s.

Good Read

It is the now familiar fascist theme: loyalty to the nation state and its wars must be the first and only test of worthiness to serve in public office.
I'm guessing the RINO's are getting worried it's not going to work this time.
Would either of you like to post opposition arguments to either Murray Rothbard or John T. Flynn?

Hey Pat do you like guns? havent seen you post anything about guns in a while.

loyalty to the nation state and its wars must be the first and only test of worthiness to serve in public office.

And the probem with that is.....?

WildheyletslovetheuninsteadAlaska ™
And the probem with that is.....?

Your spelling for one thing.

The rest of the quote for another: "It is the now familiar fascist theme"

Not everyone supports democracy exported through a gun barrel.
Your spelling for one thing.

No actually its typing...the keys are too close together:)

Not everyone supports democracy exported through a gun barrel.

If our national interests require democracy export, then we should export, even via a gun barrel. If our national interests support otherwise, then lets do it.

I love it. In 1968, the hate america crowd were whining cuz our guns were propping up dictators. 40 years later, they are whining because our guns are propping up democracy.

Ive been listening to the hate america crowd for 40 years and its still the same old nonsense.

WildandfolksstillclamourtocometothisfascistdictatoshiplolAlaska ™
Pat I think the ideolgy is clear, consider WA admitting he is a neoconservative.

WildAlaska said:
My views, formed during the height of the Cold War, used to be called Realpolitik, now that is folded in of course to the label Neo-con.

Now theres nothing wrong with that this is America and we can all follow the political philosophy we want to.

However when you learn what the Realpolitik philosophy is you see why they have no compunction about waging war in Iraq.


Main Entry:
often capitalized
German, from real actual + Politik politics
: politics based on practical and material factors rather than on theoretical or ethical objectives

Realpolitik (German: real ("realistic", "practical" or "actual") and politik ("politics")) refers to politics or diplomacy based primarily on practical considerations, rather than ideological notions. The term realpolitik is often used pejoratively to imply politics that are coercive, amoral, or Machiavellian.

Realpolitik is distinct from ideological politics in that it is not dictated by a fixed set of rules, but instead tends to be goal-oriented(ends justify the means), limited only by practical exigencies.

We can't let dead American soldiers,a trillion dollar war debt and silly things like ethics get in the way of the neo-conservative plan for the mid-east. Or can we?

loyalty to the nation state and its wars must be the first and only test of worthiness to serve in public office.

Thats the heart of their neo conservative philosophy, and it is also the very close to the definition of fascism.
The right-wing predecessors here are Mussolini, Franco, and Hitler, and the name of the ideology is fascism.

And once again, we see the big lie technique used of trying to paint fascisim as a phenomenon of the right.

Of course, we know that the historical record shows clearly that fascisim, naziism, and communisim are grew out the common sewer of socialism.

Repeat a lie big enough, often enough...

In that vein:

Great book review today on David Horowitz's Front Page Magazine site:

Liberal Fascism
The Secret History of the American Left from Mussolini to the Politics of Meaning

By Jonah Goldberg

Review by David Forsmark

That "thwack" you hear from coast to coast is conservative book-writing pundits smacking themselves on the forehead and exclaiming, "Why didn't I think of that?"

The reason is National Review editor Jonah Goldberg's new book, Liberal Fascism: The Secret History of the American Left from Mussolini to the Politics of Meaning, as it racks up huge sales and dominates best-seller lists.

It's a natural — even obvious — idea whose time has come.

The packaging is simple but brilliant, with a provocative title and one of the all-time classic dust jackets. The book is at once "high-concept" (a subject that can be defined simply and compellingly), yet unlike much of what passes as political publishing these days, Goldberg provides enough substance and complexity to justify his book's length and price.

In fact, most readers who pick up Liberal Fascism would wonder why hasn't anyone given us this great resource before now.

Not only is the topic is ubiquitous -- it's nearly impossible to engage in any form of conservative activism, from advocating tax cuts to protesting abortion without some ignorant leftie throwing the word "fascist" in your direction — but it's also been going on for more than 60 years.

As George Orwell wrote in 1946, "The word Fascism has now no meaning except insofar as it signifies 'something not desirable.'" Of course, PC institutions like the mainstream media or academe have another synonym for everything not desirable: conservative.

Those of us who have been on the receiving end of the fascist epithet generally have a stock answer depending on the topic. If the argument is economic, it's common to point out that national socialism (fascism) is hardly the polar opposite of international socialism (communism), but free markets are the opposite of both. And nearly every pro-life activist knows that Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger was a rabid eugenicist who was more interested in selective breeding than "choice" -- and she provided Nazis a platform in her publications.

Goldberg covers this ground as well in a most enlightening way. How many conservatives, for example, know the stated end goal of the early 20th century Progressive movement was the engineering of a superior race by statist means?

When most people hear "fascist," they think "Nazi" or "blackshirt," and associate the phrase "right wing" with both. Goldberg dismisses that with this pithy paragraph:

"So, we are supposed to see a party in favor of universal education, guaranteed employment, increased entitlements for the aged, the expropriation of land without compensation, the nationalization of industry, the abolition of market-based lending -- a.k.a. 'interest slavery'— the expansion of health services, and the abolition of child labor as objectively right wing."

There is a political party that has two presidential candidates vying for their nomination who, to one degree or another, agrees with all these platforms of the German Nazi Party of the 1930s. Hint: It's not the Republican Party.

Much of the historical content in Liberal Fascism is far from a new take on events. Any discussion of fascism on the Frontpage message boards brings up the main points of Goldberg's theses. (On the day I started Liberal Fascism, in fact, I was called a fascist by a pacifist wingnut for writing positively about the value system US military, and several readers jumped to my defense).

There have always been excellent historical sources available for conservatives to counter the fascist slur. Charles Bracelin Floods excellent Hitler: The Path to Power, gives a detailed picture of Hitler's appropriation of Communist tactics and ideas, Thomas Fleming's popular The Illusion of Victory is a thorough expose of Woodrow Wilson's fascist tactics, which included jailing of dissidents, using propaganda, adopting openly racist policies and thirsting for war. And Amity Shlaes's recent The Forgotten Man reminds us that FDR not only declared war on big business, but his goons also tried to retroactively imprison those businesses that were contrary to the goals of the National Recovery Act.

But no matter how informative these and other resources are, no other single book I know of has been devoted to this topic in particular. Liberal Fascism is the rare tool that has the potential to change the vernacular — or at least give powerful backup to those engaged in the war of words..

Goldberg's focus is is perfectly timed. After generations of misappropriating the word "liberal" and thoroughly discrediting a word that classically applies better to George Washington than to George McGovern, the American Left has reclaimed its roots by attempting to resurrect the euphemism of "progressive" to describe itself.

This would seem a good public relations move. Everyone is for "progress," and all anyone remembers about the Progressives from high school history class is that they were for food safety standards, banning child labor, breaking up predatory monopolies and reforming slumlords.

But as Goldberg points out, America's turn-of-the-century progressives were the direct intellectual forebears of 1930s fascism, and many of those who lived that long actively supported both the Italian and German "experiments."

The Progressives and fascists both admired Bismarck's welfare state, though the collapse of Christianity in Europe was replaced by a religion of the state, while the Social Gospel -- the means for perfecting the masses -- became dominant in America.

The Progressives' variety, Goldberg writes, was "nice and for your own good … a sort of Christian fascism. … But liberals often forget that the Progressives were also imperialists, at home and abroad. They were the authors of Prohibition, the Palmer Raids, eugenics, loyalty oaths, and, in its modern incarnation, what many would call 'state capitalism.'"

As Goldberg points out, both fascists like Italy's Benito Mussolini and progressives like Woodrow Wilson claimed the same intellectual forebears, and it is utterly specious to posit that modern conservatives and fascists have any intellectual roots in common. Conservatives simply draw no inspiration from Hegel, Nietzsche or Rousseau; fascists and progressives do — and Wilson and Mussolini expressly did.

One of the great ironies — and strokes of genius — of Goldberg's approach is the book's title. Media commentators who have not read the book have brushed it off as "Ann Coulter-like" merely because they are offended by the title.

But the phrase was coined by one of early Progressivism's brightest and most enduring stars -- science fiction writer and socialist H. G. Wells, who is still a literary hero of the Left. Wells coined the phrase "liberal fascism," while opining that the world had "tired of parliamentary government" and was ready for just such a phenomenon.

Lefties often admire Wells, a Fabian Socialist, for his utopian vision, but they conveniently overlook his fondness for even forcible eugenic experiments. Similarly whitewashed is Wilson, who gets "credit" for visualizing world peace through the League of Nations even though his vision cost 100,000 American lives and ended in abject failure.

But Wilson was the also epitome of a Progressive president in deed and word. Goldberg points out that Leftists are always on the guard for a future fascist dictatorship just waiting to pounce from the shadows of the conservative movement (a la Sinclair Lewis's ironically titled novel, It Can't Happen Here). But Goldberg notes Lewis was late. America had already experienced fascist dictatorship under Wilson.

Consider the following:

Wilson lied about German atrocities to fire the nation up for war.

Wilson used the American Legion as a domestic spying organization to suppress dissent, even in private conversation.

Wilson's police state jailed people for expressing doubts about War Bond drives.

Wilson appropriated vast powers over the economy during World War I — authority that the Progressives tried to keep even as peace arrived with the slogan, "It worked in wartime."

By the 1930s, it could have been proclaimed, "We are all fascists now." Goldberg, like Shlaes, points out that Herbert Hoover was hardly a free market fan, but his tinkering with the economy was nothing compared to the massive control that Franklin Roosevelt asserted during the Great Depression.

The New Deal revolutions were far too vast to be dealt with in one chapter, but Goldberg's recounting of the National Recovery Act's program and its bullying tactics -- combined with a suspiciously Germanic "Blue Eagle" trademark -- makes one wonder what modern liberals flyspecking for the slightest whiff of fascist tendencies in conservatism would make of it — if they had any real historical memory.

But while pointing out these similarities and following the intellectual and political threads through Democratic politics to the present day, Goldberg effectively turns "Bush is a Nazi" rhetoric on its head-- but repeatedly says, "liberals are not Nazis."

Goldberg makes the point that American fascism is warm and fuzzy fascism of the we-will-take-care-of-you variety — or, as George Carlin put it (though he undoubtedly meant something else), "smiley face fascism."

But even smiley fascists need an enemy for motivation, a rallying point for their anger. Though modern liberal fascists may not be genocidal, they do have a target. "The white male," Goldberg writes, "is the Jew of liberal fascism."

The first two-thirds of Liberal Fascism is the most valuable. It exposes the attitudes, philosophies and actions of the early heroes of the leftist pantheon as being firmly and unapologetically in the fascist camp. Goldberg kills the argument that liberty-based conservatism has fascist ancestry, then drags the corpse around the block and stomps on it several times for good measure.

Among the common threads of Progressivism, fascism and modern liberalism that Goldberg explores are:

Calls for an "industrial policy" with various degrees of state economic control.
Eugenics, from selective breeding in the 1930s, abortion politics and cloning today.
Rhetorical calls for change for its own sake.
Separating children from parental authority.
Applying the language of war to domestic problems.
Dependence on martyred leaders -- be it Horst Wessel orJohn F. Kennedy -- to give the movement a religious fervor.

It's when Goldberg gets to the modern day that things get a little dicey-- though no less entertaining or interesting. Even those who agree with Goldberg's thesis will find much worth arguing over in the later chapters. And they'll have a ball doing so.

While Goldberg's tracing of fascist intellectual genealogy through to its current "liberal" offspring is persuasive, his discussion of fascist style is pretty subjective.

For one thing, Goldberg tends to describe any outward trait manifested by fascists as "fascistic." But fascists were influenced by history and culture too, and are, after all, human. Not everything fascists did — even as a group — in unique to fascism.

In his section on the New Left, Goldberg recounts the radical student takeover of Cornell's administration building in 1969 and takes great delight comparing it to similar pro-fascist student uprisings in Germany in the 1930s. (And I eagerly anticipate someday being able to make use of those comparisons in a face-to-face argument.)

But Goldberg later admits the forcible methods of ideological "confessions" and students bullying professors into recanting their beliefs more directly hearkens to Mao's Cultural Revolution of a few years earlier. But, he inserts, "Who more classically fits the definition of fascist than Mao?"

While this is an interesting example that shows that Communism and fascism are nearly interchangeable on many levels, to conflate completely the two is to be terribly imprecise. If you can't call Mao a Communist, the word has no meaning.

While admitting to be a fan of the Dirty Harry films, Goldberg later writes that liberals "were not wrong" to detect "fascist themes" in the movies. Harry, in effect, was a revolutionary taking the law into his own hands as a Nietzsche-esque superman, Goldberg contends.

But he misses the point: Detective Harry Callahan was rebelling against liberal fascists in Dirty Harry by fighting to preserve the old order of justice, whose primary concern was protection of the innocent. His opponents were the revolutionaries who had rewritten the Constitution by judicial fiat. Dirty Harry was more Samuel Adams than Horst Wessell; his rebellion was in defense of liberty and, thus, was a conservative.

At times, it seems a more precise — but less cool -- title for this book would have been Democrat Fascism. President Theodore Roosevelt makes several cameo appearances s in Liberal Fascism, but he does not get the full treatment despite his post-presidential prominence in Progressive circles.

And while it took until the turn of the century for American Progressives to bloom into full-fledged fascists, the Radical Republicans of Lincoln's time should get some mention as a historical influence.

What better example of a warlike religion of the state could there be than Julia Ward Howe's Battle Hymn of the Republic and its reveling in the imagery of Confederate blood as being stomped in a divine winepress by the Union armies of God?

Goldberg sees the "fascist temptation" in "compassionate conservatism," including former House Speaker Newt Gingrich's stated admiration for early progressives and a boomlet of TR admiration among the GOP intelligentsia in the late 1990s. Still, he shies away from using the f-word directly on Republicans.

Presumptive Republican presidential nominee John McCain, however, does rate this pointed paragraph in the chapter "Liberal Fascist Economics:":

"John McCain perfectly symbolizes the Catch-22 of modern liberalism. McCain despises the corrupting effect of 'big money' in politics, but he is also a major advocate of increase government regulation of business. Apparently, he cannot see that the more government regulates business, the more business will take an interest in regulating government. Instead, he has concluded that he should try to regulate political speech, which is like decrying the size of the garbage dump and deciding the best thing to do is regulate the flies.

American politicians spend so much time extolling past American icons that we tend to treat it like background noise. Perhaps we should grant that McCain really means it when he calls Teddy Roosevelt his role model.

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, however, rates a whole chapter called "Brave New Village," which is a good antidote to all the "moderate" and "pragmatic" talk around the former first lady.

"Liberal Fascism" is a rich motherlode of facts, ideas, philosophy, polemic and brilliant bull session. I've only scratched the surface with this column. This is a book that belongs on your shelf and consulted often if you regularly argue about such things with lefties.

Besides, it's a lot of fun just to carry around. Just walk into a Starbucks or a Borders café and plop it on your table. It has a similar repelling effect as crosses in one of Jonah Goldberg's favorite TV shows, Buffy the Vampire Slayer. The expressions you engender alone are worth the 28 bucks. Trust me on this.
It is the now familiar fascist theme: loyalty to the nation state and its wars must be the first and only test of worthiness to serve in public office

Ya gotta laugh at this crap it's so bizarre,

So now this clown is saying that Jack Kennedy, Lyndon Johnson, George McGovern, Jimmy Carter, John Kerry, Bob Kerry, Max Cleland, all of whom ran on thier war records at one time or another, were all fascists? :D

OK, I'll buy Johnson.
loyalty to the nation state and its wars must be the first and only test of worthiness to serve in public office.

Thats the heart of their neo conservative philosophy, and it is also the very close to the definition of fascism.

PT-109 Tie Clasp anyone? :D

cool hand luke 22:36 you won't get any argument from me about the evils of FDR and modern liberalism the problem is that the leaders and founders of the neoconservative movement came straight out of the left-wing.

The United States absolutly did not need to go to war in the mid-east it was not in our intrest. It was in the intrest of securing and protecting Israel.

Now that may be a laudable cause to some, but it was not how the idea was sold.

Wolfowitz/Perle/Rumsfeld neoconservatives everyone planned the war and sold it to us as stopping Saddams WMDs then it was to free Iraq and then Al qeada, ect.

Iraq was never a threat to the U.S, Iran is not a threat to the U.S. they were and are threats to Israel.

It has cost this country over one trillion dollars and over 3000 American dead.

If our ally Israel had been attacked perhaps those costs would have been worth it. They were not attacked, Saddam did not have WMDs(yes I know everyone thought he did,still not worth the cost of the war) it was only to promulgate the neo-con's plan for reordering of the mideast.

It was not worth the monetary cost or the human one and is an idea counter to what America should stand for.
I love it. In 1968, the hate america crowd were whining cuz our guns were propping up dictators. 40 years later, they are whining because our guns are propping up democracy

More WA fascist musings.

The cool thing is I don't hate America. And I don't feel less patriotic because I don't support the current misuse of our military might in Iraq.

Our democracy is working so well, lets share.
More WA fascist musings.

LOL is that the best you can do?

WildimawedbytheintellectualdepthAlaska TM

PS I could give you 15 reasons the Iraq intervention is in our best interests...and I bet ya can't dispute any of them, especially the philosophical basis of power projection.
LOL is that the best you can do?

WildimawedbytheintellectualdepthAlaska TM

PS I could give you 15 reasons the Iraq intervention is in our best interests...and I bet ya can't dispute any of them, especially the philosophical basis of power projection.
What I'd actually like for you to do is to concentrate on mounting an opposing argument to those in the OP.
Hey Pat, what do you think of Browning High Powers in .40? Think they are too lightweight a package for that cartridge? I myself have always felt that a purpose built .40 is better idea than 9mms just converted...

WildthatsanimportantissueasopposedtolewrockwellspredictablerantsAlaska TM
Triumph of the Red State Fascists, eh? I have yet to see the marches and
parades, the Squadristi and the SA beating up opponents, the Leader whipping up his followers into frenzy, demanding "our place in the sun" or
declaring that say the Caribbean is "our lake". I am a stickler for terms, a .22 target rifle is not a deer gun, a lever action carbine is not a long range target
rifle, a 25ACP vest pocket pistol is not a free pistol, and whatever we're seeing, Fascism it isn't. I think "Fascist" is the New Left's version of "Pinko"-
an all purpose smear word.
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