Triple K magazines


New member
Does anyone know who is making magazines for Triple K now? I ordered a couple replacements from and received two very well made, sturdy items that fit perfectly and worked smoothly. When I inquired to Ammoclip as to who made their magazines, they told me Triple K.

These are not the Triple Ks that we were used to in the past. They are well made of thick metal with correclty fashioned, smooth operating followers, and, it looks like most important of all, they're not made in Mexico.

Anybody got any ideas?
I don't recall that the Triple K brand mags were ever anything but reliable.
And quite often they were the only source for after market ones for many rifles.
But glad to hear they are still available.
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"I don't recall that the Triple K brand mags were ever anything but reliable."

I do. I had several fail over the years for me.
They were horrible in the past. Every single one I'd purchased in the early 90's had issues. I did give them another shot last year on a couple of different mags. It's now a 50/50 proposition (only 1/2 of the mags ordered had issues). Generally, nothing a good pair of pliers wouldn't fix (mag lips).
I bought 2 for an Erma 22 PPk look alike and while 1 works fine the other not so much. They were not cheap either, just all I could find.
I have an old Mossberg 22 rifle,,,

I have an old Mossberg 22 rifle,,,
It's a 340-KC magazine fed bolt-action,,,
Triple-K was the only place I could find a magazine for it.

Fortunately it worked just fine,,,
And it's all metal and seems to be sturdy.

I have no complaints.


In years past, Triple K were known for shoddy, crudely made mags from Mexico, which featured metal not much thicker than a razor blade, and crudely fashioned, hand filed aluminum followers. The latest renditions appear to made from a much thicker gauge of metal, with either nicely stamped three-sided followers or nicely molded polymer followers, with which I was totally surprised when I found out that Triple K was the supplier for
I purchased some triple K mags for a neighbor's FI model D, two came with a flat standard base and two with proper bases although made of plastic which failed within a month. It took six months to exchange the incorrect ones, I super glued the other bases back together and suggested my neighbor not load them until 6 1/2 minutes before shooting a bad guy.
They may be doing better but a factory mag "they ain't"
I have bought 12+ over the years and never a problem. Now it has been a while but when I bought mine they had money-back guarantee for fit and function. Maybe that is not the case any more??
You could take six identical bricks and give them to six people.

Chances are, at least 50% of the people wouldn't like them.

Same goes for magazines. :rolleyes:
And with the large number of weapons they make magazines for, especially those over 100 years old like Savage 32 and 380 or Colt 1903 pistols there well could be a variety of dimension issues due to the maker of the weapon as well as the magazine.

One with minimum side of a dimension and the other on a max side and function may be iffy.
I got one in the late 1990s - for an old Beretta Mod 90. The triple k mag worked 100% in that gun. But admittedly, that was a long time ago. And, I've seen others make negative reviews on them. But, I was satisfied with that one, and at the time - it was my only option.
I've had two, one works fine and the other didn't:
  • 1908 Colt Hammerless .380 - no issues at all, feeds perfectly
  • Hi-Standard Supermatic .22 (also old, but not as old as the Colt) - never worked right, but this is known as a very difficult magazine to make function due to the design of the gun (no feed ramp whatsoever). The $40 Triple K magazine metal was thinner but the workmanship seemed OK. I returned it for a full refund, including shipping, and found an OEM magazine ($65) on eBay that works fine. The original magazines are built like a tank.
"You could take six identical bricks and give them to six people.

Chances are, at least 50% of the people wouldn't like them."

Are we talking about magazines or about Glocks? :D
The coming of AW ban put a lot of badly rushed, low quality high capacity mags in the system. Many older Promags were also really nice quality before they started pumping out mags before the ban.